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      1232년 이세화(李世華)의 광주산성(廣州山城)전투 승첩(勝捷)의 역사적(歷史的) 의미(意味) = The Historical Meaning of the Victory of Gwangjusanseong(廣州山城) Battle of Yi Sehwa(李世華) in the Period of the War against Mongol

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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      李世華는 『고려사』·『고려사절요』에 등장하지 않는 인물이지만, 1232년(고종 19) 제2차 廣州山城戰鬪를 승리로 이끈 대몽전쟁의 숨은 주역이다. 그는 貞州李氏 시조로 알려져 있으며, 무�...

      李世華는 『고려사』·『고려사절요』에 등장하지 않는 인물이지만, 1232년(고종 19) 제2차 廣州山城戰鬪를 승리로 이끈 대몽전쟁의 숨은 주역이다. 그는 貞州李氏 시조로 알려져 있으며, 무반 가문 출신으로 추정된다. 「이세화묘지명」에 의하면, 이세화는 과거급제 후 국왕 熙宗을 보필하였고, 거란족과의 전쟁에서는 원수 趙沖을 보좌하면서 조충의 천거를 받기도 하였다.
      이세화는 崔忠獻執權期에 두각을 나타내지 못하였으나 崔瑀執權期에 무인집정 崔瑀로부터 能文能吏로 인정받아 출세하였던 것으로 판단된다. 특히 廣州副使로서 제2차 광주산성전투를 승리로 이끈 것은 그의 순탄한 관직생활을 담보 받는 지름길이 되었다. 이 규보는 문·무를 겸전하고 행정력, 군사적 재능까지 겸비한 이세화를 당대 보기 드문 온전한 인재로 높게 평가하였다.
      1232년 광주산성전투는 고려 중부권 최초의 승전이었다. 이세화의 지휘를 받은 廣州民이 광주산성에서 2개월여 동안 몽골 주력군을 방어함으로써 새로운 진격로를 탐색하던 몽골군 元帥府의 혼란을 가중시켰으며 몽골군 본진의 병력 분산을 유도해냈다. 광주산성을 점령하지 못하고 오랜 시간과 병력을 손실당한 撒禮塔은 광주산성 남방의 處仁城을 급히 공격하다가 그곳에서 전사하였다. 이렇게 보았을 때, 광주산성전투 승리는 고려가 전세를 반전시키는 데 크게 기여하였음을 알 수 있다.
      몽골 제2차 침입이 1232년 12월 중순에 종결되었지만 광주부사 이세화는 3년이나 더 광주에 머물면서 만일의 사태에 대비하였다. 1235년 5월 광주민은 강도조정으로부터 광주산성전투의 戰功을 인정받아 常?·雜役을 집단적으로 면제받는 특혜를 부여받았다. 아울러 1235년 7월 唐古가 거느린 몽골군이 제3차 침입을 감행하자 강도조정의 배려로 광주는 南京과 더불어 강화도로 피난하는 특혜를 받았다. 이는 당시 집권자 최우가 楊廣道의 巨鎭이었던 광주를 몽골군 침입으로부터 보호하려 했던 측면 이외에도 자신이 國是로 내세웠던 海島入保策을 한층 강화하겠다는 전략전술의 변화를 보여주는 것이었다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Yi Sehwa(李世華) is not found in Goryosa(高麗史) and Goryosajeollyo(高麗史節要), but he was a hidden hero who had headed for the victory of the battle of Gwangjusanseong (廣州山城) in 1232. Yi Sehwa is well known as formal progenitor of...

      Yi Sehwa(李世華) is not found in Goryosa(高麗史) and Goryosajeollyo(高麗史節要), but he was a hidden hero who had headed for the victory of the battle of Gwangjusanseong (廣州山城) in 1232. Yi Sehwa is well known as formal progenitor of Jeongju Yi Clan(貞州李 氏), and he is supposed to a member of the military official family. According to Yi Sehwa’s Epitaphs, after pass of royal examination, he served King Heejong(熙宗). At that time of the war against Khitan(契丹) in 1216-1219, he gave counsel to the head commander, Jo Chung(趙沖). For his service, he was recommended for public office by Jo Chung.
      Yi Sehwa was recognized to a civil official as Neungmunneungri(能文能吏) from Choi Woo(崔瑀), military ruler. The victory of secondary Gwangjusanseong battle of Yi Sehwa who was Gwangjubusa(廣州副使), was guaranteed to smooth public service. Yi Gyubo(李奎 報) had a high opinion of Yi Sehwa as a talented person who was endowed with both intelligence and military ability.
      The battle of Gwangjusanseong was the first victory of middle area, Yanggwangdo(楊 廣道) of Goryo dynasty. Under the command of Yi Sehwa, Juhyunmin(州縣民) of Gwangju defeated to main force units of Mongol army during two months in Gwangjusanseong. Consequently, headquarter of Mongol army had taken serious damage from Goryo Juhyunmin. In addition, they plunged into confusion to decide the target for an attack in the future. Also, they had to disperse main force units to various small units.
      Sartai(撒禮塔), the supreme commander of Mongol army failed to occupy Gwangjusanseong. Instead, he had taken to strength loss casualties. Sartai died to be shot by an arrow in the battle of Cheoinseong(處仁城), attacking on that place hurriedly. This point of view, victory of the Battle of Gwangjusanseong contributed to reverse the war situation of Goryo dynasty.
      The second Mongol invasion had ended on the middle ten days of December in 1232. But, Yi Sehwa prepared for emergencies against Mongol as Gwangjubusa, staying on Gwangju during 3 more years. On May in 1235, Juhyunmin of Gwangju was recognized with distinguished services on the battle of Gwangjusanseong from Gangdo Court(江都朝 廷). They were received a prize to be exempted from Sangyo(常?) and Japyeok(雜役) collectively.
      On July in 1235, the third Mongol invasion had begun. Tanggo(唐古) who supreme commander of Mongol army trampled down the middle area of Goryo dynasty. And then, owing to consideration of Gangdo Court, Gwangju and Namkyung(南京) received special favor that move residence to Kanghwa island which was the temporary capital. By the intention of Choi Woo, this action was taken as a measure that should protect Gwangju province from Mongol invasion. In addition to, this defense plan was to be resulted from change of strategic tactics that Choi Woo should reinforce Haedoibbochaek(海島入 保策) even more.


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