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      유럽과 미국의 티베트학(Tibetology), 성과와 과제

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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      이 글은 최근 티베트에 대한 우리 사회의 관심에 부응하고자 근래 전개된 티베트학의 발전상을 서구학계를 중심으로 정리해본 것이다. 과거 티베트에서 진행된 불교의 토착화는 후기 인도 ...

      이 글은 최근 티베트에 대한 우리 사회의 관심에 부응하고자 근래 전개된 티베트학의 발전상을 서구학계를 중심으로 정리해본 것이다. 과거 티베트에서 진행된 불교의 토착화는 후기 인도 불교의 아류 내지는 변형으로 이해되어 왔다. 이러한 관점 아래 티베트 불교는 자연스레 동아시아 여러 국가에 전승된 대승불교와는 상당히 거리가 있는 별개의 것이라 여겨지곤 했다. 이러한 전통적인 관점과는 달리 실상 티베트는 후기 인도 불교가 직접 전래된 대승불교의 주요 전파지역이며, 티베트 불교계는 후기 인도 불교를 계승한 적장자로 자임하면서 12세기 이래 중앙아시아를 향한 불교 전파의 중추적 역할을 수행했다.
      최근 30여 년간 서구의 티베트학계가 중심이 되어 티베트 불교계에 대한 역사적 지위를 회복하려는 시도가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 연구기반을 마련하기 위해 자료를 축적하고 교육기관을 통해 연구자를 배출하는가 하면, 학회 활동을 통해 토론의 장을 마련하고 있다. 이러한 서구 사회의 티베트학에 대한 학적 전통은 멀리 17세기로 거슬러 올라간다.
      17세기 선교사의 활동에서 점차 확대되어 외교관, 탐험가, 학자, 인권활동가 등 약 4세기에 걸쳐 다양한 방면의 티베트학 종사자들이 관련 연구에 투신하였다. 중앙아시아를 향한 식민지 쟁탈과정에서, 또는 인도 불교 연구의 연장선상에서, 또는 중국학, 돈황학에서 변연을 넓혀온 서구학계는 점점 티베트의 방대한 문화 전통에 매료되기 시작했다.
      중앙아시아학이 그러했듯이, 더욱이 그중 일부에 불과한 티베트학은 현재까지도 소수 학문에 불과하다. 그러나 인도와 중국이라는 오랜 전통을 자랑하는 정치, 문화 대국의 틈바구니에서 티베트적 전통을 계승하고 대승불교의 적통임을 자임했으며, 한때 중앙아시아의 몽골계 민족과 청조(淸朝) 지배층의 정신세계를 지배했던 티베트에 대한 관심은 날로 증가하고 있다. 서구 사회의 티베트학을 한국학계에 소개하는 이번 작업 또한 이러한 국제 티베트학의 발전을 반영하는 것이다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Tibetology has Recently been noted more and more among the Korean academic sphere. Around the early 20th century, scholars who studied Indian Buddhism recognized the importance of Tibetan Buddhism as a successor of Indian Buddhism. Especially after th...

      Tibetology has Recently been noted more and more among the Korean academic sphere. Around the early 20th century, scholars who studied Indian Buddhism recognized the importance of Tibetan Buddhism as a successor of Indian Buddhism. Especially after the Mongol invasion of the Tibetan plateau, Tibetan Buddhism spread through territories of the Mongol Empire. Thus there was established on the Tibetan Plateau a prominent academic and religious center for Buddhism. This phenomenon continued until the late 19th and the early 20th centuries in the Central Asian world, which included the Qing Empire.
      Depending on the Jesuit missionary, such as Antonio de Andrade (1580~1634), who traveled to northern India and the Himalayan area during the 17th century, European academies began contributing to establishing several centers for Tibetan Studies, including Tibetan
      Languages, History, Buddhism, and other fields. This academic tradition was followed by Kőrösi Csoma Sándor (1784~1842), Philippe Édouard Foucaux (1811~1894), F.W. Thomas (1867~1956), Jacques Bacot (1877~1965), Paul Pelliot (1878~1945), Marcelle Lalou (1890~1967), Louis De La Valleé Poussin (1869~1938), Giuseppe Tucci (1894~1984), and Rolf A. Stein (1911~1999).
      Following the end of World War Two, several prominent scholars in Central Asian Studies, such as Nicolas Poppe (1897~1991), joined to build the American academic base for Central Asian Studies, including Tibetan Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle. And from the 1960s Tibetan political refugees such as Dezhung Rinpoche (1906~1987) became associated with education in the Tibetan language and Buddhism among American academies. This academic tradition of the University of Washington was led by another European scholar, Leonard van der Kuijp, and moved to Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
      Since the Csoma de Kőrös Memorial Symposium in 1976 had been held by Ligeti, a Hungarian Tibetologist, there have appeared several academic organizations for Tibetan Studies, such as the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) and the International Seminar of Young Tibetologists (ISYT). These dynamic activities in western academia led modern Tibetan Studies.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • I . 머리말
      • II . 근대 학문으로서 티베트학의 성립
      • III . 20세기 중엽 티베트학의 국제적 연구기반 조성
      • IV . 연구자 집단의 조직화와 국제 티베트학회(IATS)
      • V . 티베트학 교육기관의 구축과 미국 티베트학의 성장
      • I . 머리말
      • II . 근대 학문으로서 티베트학의 성립
      • III . 20세기 중엽 티베트학의 국제적 연구기반 조성
      • IV . 연구자 집단의 조직화와 국제 티베트학회(IATS)
      • V . 티베트학 교육기관의 구축과 미국 티베트학의 성장
      • VI . 맺음말: 국제 티베트학 연구 역량의 세계적 확산과 티베트의 미래
      • 참고문헌
      • 국문초록
      • ABSTRACT

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 Ligeti, Louis, Akadémiai Kiadó 1978

      2 王堯, "西藏文史考信集" 中國藏學出版社 1994

      3 王堯, "西藏文史探微集" 中國藏學出版社 2005

      4 王堯, "水晶寶鬘-藏學文史論集" 2000

      5 王堯, "敦煌土蕃文書論文集" 四川民族出版社 1988

      6 王堯, "土蕃金石錄" 文物出版社 1982

      7 楊銘, "土蕃統治敦煌硏究" 新文豊出版公司 1997

      8 王堯, "土蕃簡牘綜錄" 文物出版社 1985

      9 楊富學, "中國敦煌百年文庫" 甘肅文化出版社 1999

      10 Tuttle, Gray, "Wutai Shan and Qing Culture" (6) : 2011

      1 Ligeti, Louis, Akadémiai Kiadó 1978

      2 王堯, "西藏文史考信集" 中國藏學出版社 1994

      3 王堯, "西藏文史探微集" 中國藏學出版社 2005

      4 王堯, "水晶寶鬘-藏學文史論集" 2000

      5 王堯, "敦煌土蕃文書論文集" 四川民族出版社 1988

      6 王堯, "土蕃金石錄" 文物出版社 1982

      7 楊銘, "土蕃統治敦煌硏究" 新文豊出版公司 1997

      8 王堯, "土蕃簡牘綜錄" 文物出版社 1985

      9 楊富學, "中國敦煌百年文庫" 甘肅文化出版社 1999

      10 Tuttle, Gray, "Wutai Shan and Qing Culture" (6) : 2011

      11 Gyatso, Janet, "Women of Tibet" Columbia University Press 2006

      12 Davidson, Ronald M., "Wind Horse: Proceedings of the North American Tibetological Society" Asian Humanities Press 1981

      13 Beckwith, Christopher, "Warriors of the Cloisters: The Central Asian Origins of Science in the Medieval World" Princeton University Press 2012

      14 Rockhill, W. W., "Udânavarga : a collection of verses from the Buddhist canon : being the northern Buddhist version of Dhammapada" D.K. Publishers’ Distributors 1982

      15 Rockhill, W. W., "T’oung Pao ou Archives concernant l’histoire, etc" de l’Asie orientale 1910

      16 Turrell, Wylie, "Tibet’s role in Inner Asia" Indiana University, Asian Studies Research Institute 1975

      17 Davidson, Ronald M., "Tibetan Renaissance: Tantric Buddhism in the Rebirth of Tibetan Culture" Columbia University Press 2005

      18 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "Tibetan Poetry on Wutai Shan" 6 : 2012

      19 Turrell, Wylie, "Tibetan Passport: Their Function and Significance" 12 (12): 1968

      20 Thomas, F.W., "Tibetan Literary texts and documents concerning Chinese Turkestan , Pt.2" Luzac 1951

      21 Thomas, F.W., "Tibetan Literary texts and documents concerning Chinese Turkestan , Pt.1" Royal Asiatic Society 1935

      22 Martin, Dan, "Tibetan Histories" Serindia Publications 1997

      23 Tuttle, Gray, "Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China" Columbia University Press 2005

      24 Bell, Charles Alfred, "Tibet: Past and Present" Clarendon Press 1924

      25 Sperling, Elliot, "Tibet since 1950: Silence, Prison or Exile" Aperture Foundation 2000

      26 Shen, Tsung-lien, "Tibet and the Tibetans" Stanford University Press 1953

      27 Hill, Nathan W., "Three notes on Laufer’s law" 36 (36): 2013

      28 Hill, Nathan W., "The Ḥphags-pa letter ḥ and laryngeal phenomena in Mongolian and Chinese" 53 (53): 2009

      29 Rockhill, W. W., "The life of Buddha : derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-hgyur and Bstan-hgyur" Kegan Paul 2007

      30 Rockhill, W. W., "The land of the lamas: notes of a journey through China, Mongolia and Tibet" Century Co. 1891

      31 Bstan-’dzin-rgya-mtsho, "The history of Tibet, Varanasi, India"

      32 McKay, Alex, "The history of Tibet" Routledge Curzon 2003

      33 Hill, Nathan W., "The converb -las in Old Tibetan" 73 (73): 2010

      34 Haarh, Erik, "The Yar-Lung dynasty: a study with particular regard to the contribution by myths and legends to the history of ancient Tibet and the origin and nature of its kings" Københavns universitet 1969

      35 Kapstein, Matthew T., "The Tibetans" Blackwell Publishing 2006

      36 Beckwith, Christopher, "The Tibetan Empire in Central Asia: A History of the Struggle for Great Power among Tibetans, Turks, Arabs, and Chinese during the Early Middle Ages" Princeton University Press 1993

      37 Sperling, Elliot, "The Tibet-China Conflict: History and Polemics" East-West Center Washington 2004

      38 Debreczeny, Karl, "The Tenth Karmapa and Tibet’s Turbulent Seventeenth Century" Serindia Publications 2016

      39 Germano, David F., "The Rise of ‘Thematic Research Collections’ in the study, teaching and transmission of Buddhist scriptures" Electronic Buddhist Text Institute 3 : 2001

      40 Bell, Charles Alfred, "The Religion of Tibet" Clarendon Press 1931

      41 Dotson, Brandon, "The Old Tibetan Annals: An Annotated Translation of Tibet’s First History" Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 2009

      42 Germano, David F., "The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism" Brill Press 2002

      43 Lopez Jr. Donald S., "The Madman’s Middle Way: Reflections on Reality of the Tibetan Monk Gendun Choephel" The University of Chicago Press 2006

      44 Turrell, Wylie, "The Geography of Tibet According to the ‘Dzam-glingrgyas-bshad" 1962

      45 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "The Culture of the Book in Tibet" Columbia University Press 2009

      46 Meinheit, Susan, "The Centennial of the Tibeto -Mongol Treaty: 1913 -2013:Lungta, Vol.17" Amnye Machen Institute 2013

      47 Turrell, Wylie, "The Boddhisattva Doctrine in Buddhism" Winifrid Laurier University Press 1981

      48 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "The Abbatial Succession of Gsang phu ne’u thog Monastery from ca.1073 to 1250" 3 : 1987

      49 Germano, David F., "Tantra in Practice" Princeton University Press 2000

      50 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "Studies in the Life and Thought of Mkhas grub rje I: Mkhas grub rje’s Epistemological Oeuvre and His Philosophical Remarks on Dignaga’s Pramanasamuccaya" 1 : 1985

      51 Bray, John, "Special Issue on Ladakh: Historical Perspectives and Social Change, the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala and Tibet House in Lodhi Road, New Delhi" 40 (40): 2015

      52 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "Sources of Tibetan Tradition" Columbia University Press 2013

      53 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "Some Remarks on the Textual Transmission and Text of Bu ston Rin chen grub’s Chos ‘byung, a Chronicle of Buddhism in India and Tibet" 25 : 2013

      54 Germano, David, "Si tu pan chen: Creation and Cultural Engagement in Eighteenth Century Tibet" (7) : 2013

      55 Turrell, Wylie, "Serie Orientale Roma XV" Istituto per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente 1957

      56 Csoma de Kőrös, "Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary: being an edition and translation of the Mahāvyutpatti" Akadémiai Kiadó 1984

      57 Petech, Luciano, "Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio" Istituto Universitario Orientale 1990

      58 Stein, Rolf A., "Rolf Stein’s Tibetica Antiqua with Additional Materials" Brill 2010

      59 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "Ritual, Festival, and Authority under the Fifth Dalai Lama" Oxford University 2003

      60 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "Review Article. “On The Lives of Śākyaśrībhadra (?-1225)" 114 (114): 1994

      61 Germano, David F., "Religions of Tibet in Practice" Princeton University Press 1997

      62 Germano, David F., "Religions of Tibet in Practice" Princeton University Press 1997

      63 Turrell, Wylie, "Reincarnation: A Political Innovation in Tibetan Buddhism" 1978

      64 Rockhill, W. W., "Prâtimoksha sutra; ou, Le traité d’émancipation selon la version tibétaine, avec notes et extraits du Dulva (Vinaya)" E. Leroux 1884

      65 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "Printing the Words of the Master: Tibetan Editorial Practice in the Collected Works of ‘Jam dbyangs bzhad pa’i rdo rje I (1648-1721)" 60 : 1999

      66 Rockhill, W. W., "Pilgrimage to the great Buddhist sanctuary of north China" 1895

      67 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge’s Impact on Tibetan Epistemological Theory" 5 : 1978

      68 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "On the Sources for Sa skya Paṇḍita’s Notes on the Bsam yas Debate" 9 (9): 1986

      69 Turrell, Wylie, "O-lde-spu-rgyal and the Introduction of Bon to Tibet" 8 (8): 1963

      70 Rockhill, W. W., "Notes on the ethnology of Tibet. Based on the collections in the United States National museum" U.S. National Museum 1895

      71 Rockhill, W. W., "Notes on Tibet" Asian Publication Services 1977

      72 Cirtautas, Arista Maria, "Nicholas Poppe: A bibliography of publications from 1924-1977" Institute for Comparative and Foreign Area Studies, University of Washington 1977

      73 Turrell, Wylie, "Nature in Tibetan Poetry" 6 (6): 1959

      74 Desideri, Ippolito, "Mission to Tibet: The Extraordinary Eighteenth-century Account of Father Ippolito Desideri, S.J." Wisdom Publishings 2010

      75 Rockhill, W. W., "Miscellaneous papers including articles on Tibet and Mongolia" 5 : 18-, 1897

      76 Beckwith, Christopher, "Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages III" Brill 2008

      77 Beckwith, Christopher, "Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages II" Brill 2006

      78 Beckwith, Christopher, "Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages" Brill 2002

      79 Foucaux, Philippe Édouard, "Le trésor des belles paroles, choix de sentences composées en tibétain; suivies d’une élégie tirée du Kanjour" B. Duprat 1858

      80 Stein, Rolf Alfred, "La civilisation tibétaine" Dunod 1962

      81 Tucci, G., "La Libreria Dello Stato" SDI Publications 1949

      82 Tucci, G., "Indo-TibeticaⅢ" Reale Accademia d’Italia 1936

      83 Tucci, G., "Indo-Tibetica Ⅳ" Reale Accademia d’Italia 1941

      84 Tucci, G., "Indo-Tibetica II" Reale Accademia d’Italia 1933

      85 Tucci, G., "Indo-Tibetica I" Reale Accademia d’Italia 1932

      86 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "In Search of Dharma: Indian and Ceylonese Travelers in Fifteenth Century Tibet" Wisdom 2009

      87 Petech, Luciano, "I missionari italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal" Libreria dollo Stato 1952

      88 Beckwith, Christopher, "Greek Buddha: Pyrrho’s Encounter with Early Buddhism in Central Asia" Princeton University Press 2015

      89 Schmidt, Isaac Jacob, "Grammatik der Tibetischen Sprache" St. Petersburg 1839

      90 Csoma de Kőrös, "Grammar of the Tibetan Language" Akadémiai Kiadó 1984

      91 Foucaux, Philippe Édouard, "Grammaire de la langue tibétaine" L'imprimerie impériale 1858

      92 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia" Duke University Press 2011

      93 Turrell, Wylie, "Etymology of Tibetan: bla-ma" 21 : 1977

      94 Hillman, Ben, "Ethnic Conflict and Protest in Tibet and Xinjiang: Unrest in China’s West" Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University 2016

      95 Germano, David F., "Encountering Tibet: The Ethics, Soteriology and Creativity of Cross-cultural Interpretation" 2001

      96 Beckwith, Christopher, "Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present" Princeton University Press 2009

      97 Germano, David F., "Embodying the Dharma: Buddhist Relic Veneration in Asia" SUNY 2004

      98 Wessels, C., "Early Jesuit travellers in Central Asia, 1603 -1721" Nijhoff 1924

      99 Bacot, Jacques, "Documents de Touen-houang relatifs á l’histoire du Tibet" Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner 1940

      100 Lopez Jr. Donald S., "Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet" Harvard University Press 2017

      101 Csoma de Kőrös, "Dictionary, Tibetan and English" The Baptist Mission Press 1834

      102 Rockhill, W. W., "Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892" Smithsonian Institution 1894

      103 Turrell, Wylie, "Dating the Tibetan Geography ‘Dzam-gling -rgyas - bshad through its description of the western hemisphere" 4 (4): 1959

      104 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "Contributions to the Development of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology: From the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Century" Franz Steiner 1983

      105 Hill, Nathan W., "Come as lord of the black-headed- an Old Tibetan mythic formula" 45 : 2017

      106 Csoma de Kőrös, "Collected works of Alexander Csoma de Körös" Akadémiai Kiadó 1984

      107 Petech, Luciano, "China and Tibet in the early 18th century; history of the establishment of Chinese protectorate in Tibet" E. J. Brill 1972

      108 Rockhill, W. W., "Chau Ju-kua: his work on the Chinese and Arab trade in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, entitled Chu-fan-chï" Oriental Press 1966

      109 Poussin, Louis De La Valleé, "Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts from Tun-Huang in the India Office Liberary" Oxford University Press 1962

      110 Turrell, Wylie, "Bulletin of Tibetology II" 1965

      111 Germano, David F., "Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet:Religious Revival and Cultural Identity" University of California Press 1998

      112 Gyatso, Janet, "Being Human in a Buddhist World: An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet" Columbia University Press 2016

      113 Bray, John, "Art and Architecture in Ladakh. Cross-cultural Transmissions in the Himalayas and Karakoram" Brill 2014

      114 Gyatso, Janet, "Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary" Princeton University Press 1999

      115 van der Kuijp, Leonard W.J., "An Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature, Vol. 64" Harvard Oriental Series 2008

      116 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "An Early Tibetan Catalogue of Buddhist Literature: The Bstan pa rgyas pa nyi ma’i ‘od zer of Bcom ldan ral gri" Harvard Oriental Series 2009

      117 Desideri, Ippolito, "An Account of Tibet: The Travels of Ippolito Desideri of Pistoia, S.J.1712-1727" Routledge 2004

      118 Smith, Ellis Gene, "Among Tibetan Texts: History and Literature of the Himalayan Plateau" Wisdom Publications Inc 2001

      119 Dotson, Brandon, "Administration and Law in the Tibetan Empire: The Section on Law and State and its Old Tibetan Antecedents" University Oxford 2006

      120 Schaeffer, Kurtis R., "A volume in the Sources of Asian Civilization series; The Tibetan History Reader" Columbia University Press 2013

      121 Richardson, H. E., "A short history of Tibet" Dutton 1962

      122 Snellgrove, David L., "A cultural history of Tibet" F. A. Praeger 1968

      123 Li Fang Kuei, "A Study of the Old Tibetan Inscriptions" Academia Sinica 1987

      124 Turrell, Wylie, "A Standard System of Tibetan Transcription" 22 : 1959

      125 Jackson, David P., "A Saint in Seattle: The life of the Tibetan Mystic Dezhung Rinpoche" Wisdom Publications 2004

      126 Csoma de Kőrös, "A Grammar of the Tibetan Language in English. Prepared under the patronage of the Government and the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" Baptist Mission Press 1834

      127 Rockhill, W. W., "A Geographical, Ethnographical, and Historical Sketch, Derived from Chinese Sources" 1891

      128 Richardson, H. E., "A Corpus of Early Tibetan Inscriptions" Royal Asiatic Society 1985

      129 天津社會科學院歷史硏究所, "1901年美國對華外交檔案: 有關義和團運動暨辛丑條約談判的文件" 齊魯書社 1984


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      학술지 이력

      학술지 이력
      연월일 이력구분 이력상세 등재구분
      2026 평가예정 재인증평가 신청대상 (재인증)
      2020-01-01 평가 등재학술지 유지 (재인증) KCI등재
      2017-01-01 평가 등재학술지 유지 (계속평가) KCI등재
      2013-01-01 평가 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) KCI등재
      2010-01-01 평가 등재학술지 선정 (등재후보2차) KCI등재
      2009-01-01 평가 등재후보 1차 PASS (등재후보1차) KCI등재후보
      2007-01-01 평가 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) KCI등재후보

      학술지 인용정보

      학술지 인용정보
      기준연도 WOS-KCI 통합IF(2년) KCIF(2년) KCIF(3년)
      2016 1.18 1.18 1.19
      KCIF(4년) KCIF(5년) 중심성지수(3년) 즉시성지수
      1.06 0.98 2.155 0.1

      이 자료와 함께 이용한 RISS 자료

      나만을 위한 추천자료
