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    RISS 인기검색어


      몽골어, 만주어의 의문첨사 비교 -몽어노걸대, 청어노걸대를 중심으로- = A Comparative Study on the Interrogative Particle in Mongolian Language and the Manchu Language -Focusing on 『蒙語老乞大』 and 『淸語老乞大』



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In this paper, interrogative sentences were abstracted from the 『蒙語老乞大』 and the 『淸語老乞大』to compare questions and interrogative particles in the Mongolian language and the Manchu Language. The questions in the Mongolian langu...

      In this paper, interrogative sentences were abstracted from the 『蒙語老乞大』 and the 『淸語老乞大』to compare questions and interrogative particles in the Mongolian language and the Manchu Language. The questions in the Mongolian language and Manchu language divided into those with and without interrogatives. We focused on the comparison of interrogative particles shown in interrogative sentences without interrogatives, because interrogative particles do not appear in sentences in the case of interrogative sentences with interrogatives. For the development of the discussion, the interrogative sentences without interrogatives were divided into the general interrogative sentences and the negative interrogative sentences and the forms that interrogative particles are combined with predicates and substantives were analyzed. In the study the following commonalities and differences were found. 1) In the Mongolian language and the Manchu language, present and past tenses are not distinctively distinguished. The same is applied to the questions and the present and future question form is the same. As it is applied to both general interrogative sentences and negative interrogative sentences, care must be taken of in the interpretation. 2) When asking about a certain event in the past at present, ‘nau/neu’ is used the Mongolian language and ‘mbi+o’ is used in the Manchu language. Those forms are generally used to make a present question and a future question, but the speaker can also use this form when asking the past event at present to make the listener recall the past. 3) ‘buyu(bui+uu)’ in the 28Mongolian language and ‘bio(bi+o)’ in the Manchu language can be used as the meaning of auxiliary verb and substantive verb. They can mean present or future according to the context. 4) When making a negative interrogative sentence, ‘ugei uu’ in the Mongolian language and ‘akun’ in the Manchu language are the most common form. They are ① inclusive negatives to negate predicates and substantives ② the vowel deletion by the preceding verb is seen ③ alternative interrogatives are commonly used to make a negative interrogative sentence. Differences are as follows; it is common to have space between the preceding part of speech and the interrogative particle in the Mongolian language, while in Manchu language there is no space between the interrogative particle and the preceding part of speech. Additionally, the followings were identified; 1) when ‘ni’ combines with the interrogative particle ‘o’ in Manchu language, ‘nio’ is used to make an interrogative sentence or to distinguish meaning, 2) When ‘ra/re/ro’, which are known to future indicative particles, are used in negative interrogative sentence, they can mean both of present and future. (National University of Mongolia)


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 남기심, "현대 국어 통사론" 태학사 2004

      2 권재일, "한국어 문법론" 박이정 2012

      3 이선애, "초급 만주어" 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 만주학센터 2015

      4 구영근, "우리말 문법론" 보고사 2008

      5 최동권, "역주 청어노걸대신석" 박문사 2012

      6 최동권, "역주 몽어노걸대" 피오디월드 2009

      7 최기호, "몽어노걸대 연구" 상명여자대학교 출판부 1994

      8 김방한, "몽골어연구" 서울대학교 출판부 1999

      9 니콜라스 뽀뻬, "몽골문어문법" 민음사 1992

      10 김영희, "만주어 문어의 부정법" 연세어문학 153-170, 1976

      1 남기심, "현대 국어 통사론" 태학사 2004

      2 권재일, "한국어 문법론" 박이정 2012

      3 이선애, "초급 만주어" 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 만주학센터 2015

      4 구영근, "우리말 문법론" 보고사 2008

      5 최동권, "역주 청어노걸대신석" 박문사 2012

      6 최동권, "역주 몽어노걸대" 피오디월드 2009

      7 최기호, "몽어노걸대 연구" 상명여자대학교 출판부 1994

      8 김방한, "몽골어연구" 서울대학교 출판부 1999

      9 니콜라스 뽀뻬, "몽골문어문법" 민음사 1992

      10 김영희, "만주어 문어의 부정법" 연세어문학 153-170, 1976

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      12 사역원, "蒙語老乞大" 서울대학교규장각한국학연구원 2006

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      15 항가이마, "『몽어노걸대』와 『첩해몽어』의 구문에 대한 연구 : 몽골어와의 비교를 중심으로" 서울대학교 대학원 2011

      16 김연순, "『蒙語老乞大』國譯文 硏究" 덕성여자대학교 대학원 1988

      17 최기호, "「몽어노걸대」의 형태론적 연구" 연세대학교 대학원 1985

      18 Т. Отгонтуул, "Чосөн улсын үед хэрэглэж байсан манж хэлний сурах бичгүүд" 2011 : 2009

      19 Л. Мишиг, "Манж хэлний сурах бичиг" 1989

      20 Л. Маналжав, "Зүүн Ази дахь соёлын харилцааны жишээ: “Нүгөлдэй”(Lao qida)" 2017

      21 김주원, "Materials of Spoken Manchu" SNU PRESS 2008

      22 Gertraude Roth Li, "Mahchu a Textbook for Reading Documents" National foreign language resource center 2010

      23 T.Otgontuul, "Comparing the negative forms of manchu and korean languages" Eotvos Lorand University 2017

      24 백응진, "A colloquial manchu grammar" 한림대학교출판부 2012

      25 Von Mollendorff, Paul Georg, "A Manchu Grammar : With Analysed Texts" Andesite Press 2017

      26 문성환, "18세기 국어 의향법의 통사적 연구" 연세대학교 교육대학원 2000















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