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      명(明)의 만주지역 영토인식에 관한 연구 = A study on the Liaodong border area in Ming Dynasty



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      본 연구는 명대 조선과 명의 국경선을 연구한 논문이다. 일반적으로 명대 조선과의 국경선을 압록강과 두만강으로 설정하고 있다. 1480년대 이전은 압록강에서 180여 리 지점인 연산관, 이후...

      본 연구는 명대 조선과 명의 국경선을 연구한 논문이다. 일반적으로 명대 조선과의 국경선을 압록강과 두만강으로 설정하고 있다. 1480년대 이전은 압록강에서 180여 리 지점인 연산관, 이후는 100여 리 지점인 봉황성이 되어야 한다. 이것은 압록강~연산관(1480년대 이전), 압록강~봉황성(1480년대 이후~청대)이 국경지대가 되어야 한다는 것을 의미한다. 그런 의미에서 압록강을 국경선으로 그린 지도는 재고되어야 한다.
      압록강이 조선과 명의 국경선이 될 수 없음은 명대 요동변장을 통해서도 알 수 있다.명나라는 1368년 건국 후 요동에서 몽골을 축출하면서 군정기관 요동도사를 설치하였다. 명나라는 요동도사를 방어하기 위해 25개의 衛를 설치하고 이를 지키기 위해 요동변장을 수축하였다. 요동변장은 요서의 산해관과 요동 북부의 개원을 연결하면서 동쪽 압록강 방면으로 향한다. 하지만 압록강으로 연결되지 않고 있다. 또한 명대 길림과 흑룡강 지역에 분포하던 여진부락 역시 명의 판도가 될 수 없다. 두만강 유역은 명의 행정구역에 편입되지 않았으며 명이 형식적으로 여진부락을 여진위소로 편입했을 뿐이다. 흑룡강 하류 유역에 설치한 노아간도사 역시 요동도사와는 달리 상설기구가 아니라 임시초무기구이며 명 전기에 이미 요도동사 흡수되어 그 기능을 상실하였다. 흑룡강 유역 역시 명이 ‘版圖外’ 지역이었다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study aims at the Liaodong border area in Ming Dynasty. As discussed, the Liaodongbazhan(遼東八站) located between Choseon and Ming experienced a lot of change. In the early days of the Ming dynasty, Ming applied the drastic measure of shutti...

      This study aims at the Liaodong border area in Ming Dynasty. As discussed, the Liaodongbazhan(遼東八站) located between Choseon and Ming experienced a lot of change. In the early days of the Ming dynasty, Ming applied the drastic measure of shutting off Liaodong to secure a path for moving into Liaodong and discontinuing the alliance of North-Yuan(北元) and Korea. The background for Ming shutting of the area as such was that they had no specialized army to protect the Liaodongbazhan area.
      Alliance with Mongolia was attempted over 5 times in the Yong-le(永樂) period, and approximately 180 wei-suo(衛所) were installed in the Jurchen area. However, in spite of this expansion of wei-suo(衛所) during the Yong-le period, Ming failed in including the Jurchen and Liaodongbazhan area into their territory. Afterwards, Ming attempted to implement a strategy consisting of military occupation of the Liaodongbazhan area between Liaodongdusi and the Yalu River and reinforcing this area with forts etc., to build a strong defensive front around Liaodongdusi. As a part of this strategy, they rebuilt forts in various locations in the Liaodongbazhan including the Fenghuang mountains(鳳凰山) which was not far from the Yalu River. Through this strategy Ming came to take over the Liaodongbazhan area from Liaoyang(遼陽) to Fenghuangcheng(鳳凰城).
      The border transgression problem between Choseon and Ming could not be fundamentally solved. An important reason for this was that Ming did not regulate the problem of border transgression in the Liaodongbazhan region strongly. This situation in which the Liaodongbazhan region was not under the control of Ming
      after Youngle's death(1403~1424) as no more active foreign policy was available, they changed their strategy to defend Liaodong based on Liaodongdusi which was leading to founding a solid Liaodong Defense Line in middle and late Ming dynasty. Soon, Liaodongdusi became a military organization in the Far eastern area to defend Liaodong in the beginning of the 15th century. Although there was some time to seek expansion like Young-le's regime, they had a defensive role in general in the relation with Northern territory tribes. Along with this background, Liaodong Defense Line was cut back and they began to establish an outpost at Amnok river.
      Nuergandusi(奴兒干都司) was established in the form of dusi(都司) but it could not maintain it's form with stability all the time during Ming dynasty. It was set up by Yong-le emperor(永樂帝) during his term of office in order to stablize the rear region through Meng-gu subjugation and subjugate or appease Jurchen that settled around Song-hua and Hei-long river. But Nuergandusi failed to enlarge the function and control over Jurchen after Yong-le.
      It was impossible for Nuergandusi to govern the Administration and the administration of Justice in all the regions except the extent of jurisdiction of Liaodongdusi(遼東都司, Rigional Military Command), because it was set up on the extreme outskirt in Liadong. Rather it is reasonable that Nuergandusi managed the officials of Jurchen Wei-suo(衛所) around Song-hua(松花) and Hei-long river(黑龍江). The important duty of Nuergandusi is to guide and protect a envoy who was sent to Jianzhou Jurchens(建州女眞)or deliver a document. We can judge these facts from the administrative organization of Nuergandusi.
      There are no traces that many troops stayed there, rather about two hundreds of soldiers who were dispatched from Liadong treated most of military affairs. In other words, there are no independent administrative organization and the administration of justice in Nuergandusi, and it's function had the power of influence during Yong-le's period, when foreign activity was flourishing.
      Reaching Xuan-de's(宣德) period, the control power over Jurchen became weak and also there was no more restraining influence and control power over Meng-gu. Yong-le emperor tried to subjugate Meng-gu and gave them a blow. But he could not extinguish them. Both the growth of Jurchen and the advance of Meng-gu in Nuergandusi region made Nuegandusi difficult to peform the function more.
      Ming's frontier policy was changed from positive subjugation to negative defence. As a result, Ming dynasty could not restore Nuergandusi any more.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 요동변장(遼東邊墻)의 축조와 국경선 형성
      • Ⅲ. 요동팔참(遼東八站) 국경지대와 압록강 국경선의 허구
      • Ⅳ. 흑룡강 유역의 임시초무기구 노아간도사
      • Ⅴ. 결론
      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 요동변장(遼東邊墻)의 축조와 국경선 형성
      • Ⅲ. 요동팔참(遼東八站) 국경지대와 압록강 국경선의 허구
      • Ⅳ. 흑룡강 유역의 임시초무기구 노아간도사
      • Ⅴ. 결론














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