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      最近 30年(1986-2017) 몽골帝國史 硏究: 省察과 提言 = The State of Research, The Mongol Empire, 1986-2017: Trends and Proposal



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This article surveys the important trends in the study of the Mongol Empire during the last 30 years, 1986-2017. The reason of covering that period is because since around the middle of the 1980s there were conspicuous changes in the study of this wor...

      This article surveys the important trends in the study of the Mongol Empire during the last 30 years, 1986-2017. The reason of covering that period is because since around the middle of the 1980s there were conspicuous changes in the study of this world empire as many scholars agree. Not only in terms of quantity, i.e., the overall number of publications, but also regarding the perspective and the approach there were noticeable changes. T. T. Allsen’s The Mongol Imperialism (1987) can be regarded a harbinger of this new era. By covering the entire realm of the empire ― China, Central Asia, Western Asia and Russia ― through masterly combination of sources in different languages, he showed a possibility of overcoming the regional division in the scholarly researches. Since then appeared many studies inspired by his example.
      Therefore, this article attempts to single out what the most conspicuous developments were during this period, and it divided its analysis into two parts: the first part describing numerous new source studies and the second part explaining the introduction of new perspectives in this field. First of all, it explains important publications, editions and translations, of the sources like The Secret History of the Mongols and Rashīd al-Dīn’s Jāmʿi al-tawārīkh. Especially a remarkable phenomenon is the rise of interest in the Persian sources in East Asian countries, i.e., China, Japan and Korea. Since there exist written sources in many different languages, about fifteen, this article surveys the source studies of Chinese, Arabic, Armenian, Syriac, Uyghur, Tangut, Tibetan, and European languages. It also explains the recent researches on the stone inscriptions in Japan and China. Archaeological findings and ecological studies were introduced too.
      This article then explains two new perspective that emerged since the 1980s: one is ‘a holistic approach’ as Allsen aptly expressed and the other ‘a Mongol perspective.’ Many new studies appeared that help us to understand the Mongol Empire in its entirety. The research topics cover economic exchanges over the continent as well as the sea, intellectional cooperation as epitomized by Rashīd al-Dīn and Bolad Chingsang, human migration and cultural contacts, etc. At the same time, we see the studies emphasizing the role of the Mongols as ‘agents’, in other words, the question of how they actively engaged in these exchanges. Thus, a number of scholars scrutinized the so-called ‘imperial institutions’: keshig, jam, jasaq, darughachi, jarghuchi, quriltai, marriage, etc.
      Finally, in order to understand the history of the Mongol Empire from the eyes of the Mongols, this article puts forward a new way of periodization hinted by the letter of Öljeitü to France king Phillipe in 1305: (1) Formation and Expansion, 1206-59; (2) Civil War, 1260-1304, (3) Rapprochement and Decline, 1305-68.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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