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1158年(高麗 毅宗12)~1210年(高麗 熙宗6)
  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 23-24 知訥和尙文集
  • Printed book
  • Koryŏ
  • 序-眉毛, 重刻序-文定(1469), 後跋-大天界蒙堂比丘, 識-徑山寂照庵(1606), 跋-李忠翊(1799)

Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
권수정혜결사문(勸修定慧結社文) 지눌(知訥) 1608 Koryŏ The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
화엄론절요 (華嚴論節要 ) 지눌(知訥) - Koryŏ The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
고려국보조선사수심결(高麗國普照禪師修心訣) 지눌(知訥) 1602 Koryŏ The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
원돈성불론(圓頓成佛論) 지눌(知訥) - Koryŏ The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
간화결의론(看話決疑論) 지눌(知訥) 1604 Koryŏ The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
법집별행록절요병입사기(法集別行錄節要幷入私記) 지눌(知訥) 1635 Koryŏ The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.

Classification Author Title Journal/Book Title Publication year
논문 Choi Seung-beom The Mot of the Choson Sonbi Koreana (English) 1998
논문 A. Charles Muller The Emergence of Essence-Function (ti-yong) 體用 Hermeneutics in the Sinification of Indic Buddhism : An Overview 불교학 리뷰 2016
논문 송묵 韓國禪에 미친 馬祖禪의 영향 한국선학 2011
논문 蔡楨洙 韓國禪佛敎의 形成過程에 있어서의 普照禪의 性格 東亞論叢 1966
논문 길희성 한국불교 정체성의 탐구 韓國宗敎硏究 2000
한국학 콘텐츠 더보기(65)

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