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1369年(高麗 恭愍王18)~1430年(世宗12)
  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 39-40 春亭先生文集(春亭集)
  • Block book
  • 조선시대 전기
  • 編-鄭陟, 重刊序-沈象奎(1824), 重刊識-金是瓚(1822), 舊序-權踶, 舊跋-安止

Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
춘정선생속집(春亭先生續集) 변계량(卞季良) - 조선시대 전기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
춘정집(春亭集) 변계량(卞季良) - 조선시대 전기 Korean Anthologies Collection DB

Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.

Classification Author Title Journal/Book Title Publication year
논문 Choi Seung-beom The Mot of the Choson Sonbi Koreana (English) 1998
논문 김성언 春亭 卞季良의 館閣風 漢詩에 대하여 石堂論叢 2007
논문 윤훈표 조선 세종대 진법서 편찬과 훈련체계의 개편 군사 2011
한국학 콘텐츠 더보기(3)

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