양희철2015人文科學論集In this paper, we looked upon unity and structure in linke d Si-Jo
written by Go-San. The result is as follo w; 1. We understood sequential unity from the first unit to t he sixth unit. 2. We understood symmetrical un... -
이천용2013숲과 문화
崔英成2003한국민족문화敬石任憲瓚(1876-1956)は忠淸南道の燕기岐出身の儒學者で, 舊韓未から6月25日の韓國戰爭直後までの激變の時期の中で, 儒學を守護, 宣揚することに一生を捧げた. 一生野の中で靜かに過ごしていたため, 現在學會や一般によく知られている人物ではない. しかし, 彼は朝鮮性理學の掉尾を飾った良齊田愚(1841-1922)の文人で, 栗谷 → 犬庵 → 農巖 → 老洲 → 梅山 → 全齊 → 良齊につながる洛論の嫡統を繼承した. 彼の學統自...
장춘석2002호남문화연구The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of Yun Seon-do(1587∼1671)'s silhak 實學 thought. For that, we have searched his memorials to the king and letters, not studied until now. The result of this work is ...
Gang, Seong-Min2002출판저널
盧基春2002호남문화연구The main purpose of this research is to clarify the state and characteristics of classical books which are owned by Yoon Gosan's house(Nokwoodang 緣雨堂), in Youn-dong, Haenam county, Cholla south province. The result is as fo...
이은옥2000江南語文조선조를 대표하는 시가는 단연 시조라 할 수 있다. 시조는 시형이 단순하고 그 내용에 제약이 없어서 남녀노소는 물론이거니와 반상의 구별없이 향유되었다. 때문에 우리 민족의 삶이 그대로 투영되어 있는 장르이기도 하다.
김경복2000문창어문논집The study examined Yun Sun Do's poem not seeing by positivistic method but by thematic critical method. As a result, in the Yun Sun Do's poem, there appeared one of important characteristic, such as, pursuing ideal driving...