백순철2014學校敎育硏究이 글은 문화론적 접근을 통한 고전시가의 독해가 문학교실에서 필요하고 또 효용성을 가질 것이라는 점을 증명하기 위해 노계 박인로의 국문시가를 지역성, 작가의 사회적 가치, 창작배경 등을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 논의를 간략히 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째 < 입암가> 의 ...
박노준1983韓國學論集The purpose of this paper is to study the literrary meaning of Sijo 'Ipamsipsu(立巖十首) written by Park In-Ro. Originally 'Ipamsipsu' were created according to Chang Hyon-Kw- ang's bidding. So I investigated his thought pr...
이정탁1983安東大學 論文集The author studied the current of thought of "「Ipamga(입암가)」29 poems" Which are thought to be representative of 「nogye」 "sijo". As a result, 「Ipamga」 recited the starting point of 륫?eungsa (정사)」 and the spectacle of the nat...
李東英1983人文論叢In the Yeongnam's poetry, Jang Hyeon Gwang, whose pen name was Yea Heon, linked the interrelationship of study at the left district and right one of Yeongnam, in the riverside region. And his 「mun seal」(literary theory) inf...
金思燁1958論文集Park In-ro(朴仁老), his penname Noke(蘆溪), who was a solder, scholar and poet, wrot 10 pieces of Kasa (歌辭 long verse) and 60 pieces of Shijo(時調 short type verse). When the Imjin-Waeran (Japanese invasion at the time of King Se...