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    RISS 인기검색어


      19세기 풍패지향(豊沛之鄕)의 풍경- 사애(沙厓) 민주현(閔胄顯)의 <완산가>와 전주 관련 제영시 연구 - = The Characteristics of Min Juhyeon’s Wansanga and Poems in Classical Chinese about Jeonju



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper aimed to examine the scenery and culture of Jeonju province during the mid-19th century through Min Juhyeon’s Wansanga and his poems in classical Chinese. Although Min passed the state examination, he was appointed as a low-ranking offici...

      This paper aimed to examine the scenery and culture of Jeonju province during the mid-19th century through Min Juhyeon’s Wansanga and his poems in classical Chinese. Although Min passed the state examination, he was appointed as a low-ranking official named Jogyeongmyo Byeolgeom and had to stay in Jeonju for three years. In a situation where he felt politically frustrated but difficult to resign, the only way of life he could choose was to explore the attractions of Jeonju and to compose poetry. Min’s view on the topography and history of Jeonju is gathered at the beginning of Wansanga. He outlined the major geographical features of Jeonju from the southeast to the southwest. It turns out that he was aware of the origin of each place’s name as well as the topography of Jeonju. In addition, Min explained the history of Jeonju that the confusion of Gyeonhwon’s era regained order in the age of Mokjo and that Mokjo’s influence remained in his own age. In the following part of Wansanga and several poems in classical Chinese, he revealed the characteristics and significance of Jeonju’s major attractions and expressed his emotions about them. Okryudong and Hanbyeokdang are the places where the traces of Choe Dam, a renowned scholar from Jeonju, remained, so Min paid attention to these places that not only recalled the character of Choe but also had outstanding scenery. Mangyeongdae is a hill where Jeong Mongju composed a famous poem missing his king. Min honored Jeong’s loyalty here and identified himself with Jeong. Then, after looking around the pavilions of Jeonju, Min especially highlighted Gongbukru, where the local officials of Jeonju regularly greeted the king, and Manhwaru, the main gate of Jeonju Local School. In this regard, a pavilion was a space for him to strengthen his self-recognition as a literary man, rather than a place for joy. Min took a solemn and temperate appearance in the preceding places, but when he reached Deokjinji, he began to reveal the exalted inspiration. He described the beautiful scenery of Deokjinji filled with lotus flowers and enjoyed the feeling of springtime. In addition, he expressed his longing for ascending to heaven by recalling Li Po. The last scenery of Jeonju in Wansanga is the appearance of women washing clothes in the stream, and Min showed off his excitement by drawing them in the form of beautiful fairies who wash silk. The criterion that Min arranged landscapes in Wansanga is related to the characteristics of each landscape rather than the geographical proximity. After first looking around the noble places in which the traces of the renowned literary men remained, Min visited the places to strengthen his self-recognition as a literary man, and then took the way to daily places full of fascination.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 서론 2. 작품 창작의 경위 3. 전주의 지세와 역사에 관한 인식 4. 민주현의 눈에 비친 19세기 전주의 풍광과 문화 5. 결론
      • 1. 서론 2. 작품 창작의 경위 3. 전주의 지세와 역사에 관한 인식 4. 민주현의 눈에 비친 19세기 전주의 풍광과 문화 5. 결론

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 정훈, "한벽당 제영시 연구" 우리어문학회 (27) : 205-228, 2006

      2 서인숙, "한국문집총간해제 11" 한국고전번역원 2013

      3 김갑기, "한국 제영시 연구(Ⅰ)" 한국문학연구소 (12) : 243-268, 1989

      4 "풍아"

      5 "태조실록 권1"

      6 조수삼, "추재집 권3"

      7 "청구영언(진본)"

      8 "철종실록 권8"

      9 김규남, "지명으로 보는 전주 100년" 신아 2002

      10 박준규, "조선전기全北의樓亭題詠攷" 전남대호남학연구소 (25) : 251-283, 1997

      1 정훈, "한벽당 제영시 연구" 우리어문학회 (27) : 205-228, 2006

      2 서인숙, "한국문집총간해제 11" 한국고전번역원 2013

      3 김갑기, "한국 제영시 연구(Ⅰ)" 한국문학연구소 (12) : 243-268, 1989

      4 "풍아"

      5 "태조실록 권1"

      6 조수삼, "추재집 권3"

      7 "청구영언(진본)"

      8 "철종실록 권8"

      9 김규남, "지명으로 보는 전주 100년" 신아 2002

      10 박준규, "조선전기全北의樓亭題詠攷" 전남대호남학연구소 (25) : 251-283, 1997

      11 김승우, "조선시대시가의현상과변모" 보고사 503-535, 2017

      12 김종직, "점필재집 권22"

      13 노재현, "전주팔경의 시원(始原)과 변용(變容)에 관한 연구" 한국전통조경학회 33 (33): 1-15, 2015

      14 홍성덕, "전주의 기맥을 지키는 덕진공원"

      15 이우갑, "전주관련한시연구: 왕실본향이미지를중심으로" 전북대 2015

      16 "용비어천가 권1"

      17 노재현, "역사경관의 이미지 형성 과정으로 본 寒碧堂" 한국전통조경학회 5 : 52-64, 2007

      18 "신증동국여지승람 권33"

      19 "승정원일기"

      20 "세종실록 권151"

      21 민주현, "사애집 권1, 6"

      22 서거정, "사가시집 권45; 사가문집 권2"

      23 김승우, "목조(穆祖) 이안사(李安社)에 관한 전승 연구 -장군수(將軍樹) ․ 호운석(虎隕石) 설화의 특징과 전승 양상-" 한국문학언어학회 (74) : 189-217, 2017

      24 정훈, "만경대에 형성된 호남 충(忠)의 이미지" 호남학연구원 (48) : 351-378, 2010

      25 "동국통감 권13"

      26 "금옥총부"

      27 송치규, "강재집 권8"

      28 "輿地圖書"

      29 하성래, "沙厓閔胄顯의 完山歌攷" 명지대 국어국문학과 16 : 193-227, 1984

      30 하성래, "完山謌" 한국언어문학회 (5) : 53-56, 1968

      31 "完山誌 卷上"

      32 全州府, "全州府史" 全州府 1943

      33 구사회, "『시조책』(김해정 소장본)과 새로운 시조 작품에 대하여" 한국시가문화학회 (39) : 5-31, 2017

      34 곽지숙, "<한벽당십이곡>과조선후기누정문화" 숙명여대 한국어문화연구소 (10) : 35-62, 2011

      35 김신중, "<완산가>의 전승과 변이 고찰" 한국시가문화학회 (24) : 19-39, 2009















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