G. 에렉젠2017중앙고고연구This paper reviews the recent archaeological investigation on Xiongnu tombs in Mongolia that took place since 2000, and examines the research o...
송완범2017사총The Baekchon River Battle was an international war in which all powers of East Asia in the mid seventh century were intertwined. Japan wanted t...
이평래2017몽골학The purpose of this paper is to review the media reports inside and outside Mongolia regarding the permanent neutrality policy that drew the in...
아리온자야2017몽골학The pattern of Has(卐, 卍) which represents Mongolia is the most popular pattern in the history of Mongolian political history, the religious his...
설배환2017몽골학This study examines culinary cosmopolitanism and strong continuation of Mongol flavor in the royal kitchens in the Mongol empire. This analysis...
최왕규2017몽골학Currently, South Korean universities have their focus in globalization, for the development of universities. There is significance to explore t...
김형복, 이행선2017로컬리티 인문학본 논문에서는 몽골의 설화를 대상으로 하여 그와 유사한 한국 설화를 선정한 다음, 두 설화를 비교 분석함으로써 문화 비교의 관점에서 한국 문화 교재의 구성 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 몽골 지역은 유목 생활을 기반으로 하기 때문에 교육이 기록된 책(또는 교...
최영준2017교육문화연구The purpose of this study is to examine the background of the social history in which Buddhist temples were established as the educational institutions of Mongolia in the 17th to 19t h centu ries, based on t he field survey...
박소현2017몽골학몽골학자들은 현악기 야트갈릭(ятгалиг, yatgalig, 押琴, 亚琴, 軋箏)을 7현 혹은 10현의 찰현악기(擦絃樂器, bowed stringed zither)로 설명지만 현전(現傳)하지 않는다. 본 연구는 몽골 악기 야트갈릭의 전례(前例)와 악...
박환영2017몽골학This article looks into various social and cultural aspects of women's taboo terms in Mongolia. In nomadic culture and tradition Mongolian wome...