김보경1999이화어문논집The reign of King Gong-min is the period in which Sadaebu was growing into a political group, eagerly taking in and practicing New Confucianism as a new thought for literature and politics. Although Sadaebu, at that time, for…
崔敬桓1998外大論叢本論文旨在通過分析李達衷的「村中四時歌」四首連作時來考究四時歌作品的構成原理與方法. 首先糾明四李的特色是如何展現在個別作品中, 繼而考究四季的景色在連作詩裏又是如何相互關聯着. 李達衷的「村中四時歌」詩四首是以下務農業的金晦翁的農村生活爲點子, 沿着外在觀察者的視點移動以及時間上的順…
Choi Seung-beom1998Koreana (English)
徐首生1965論文集Yong-Bi-Eo-Chun-Ga is the first epic written in Han-Gul(한글) since its establishement in 15th century. This song is a psalm-styled Ak-Jang(樂章) praising the foundation of a country by Yi Dynasty. It is a kind of an epic influen…