전영의2022中國學論叢This paper examines the changes in tea culture between Korea and China and its characteristics. Historically, China has established a true Northe…
조일수2022한국학연구Chŏng Myŏngsu, a Korean lowborn who submitted to the Later Jin (later the Qing empire) and arose to the position of an imperial envoy sent to Kor…
이민정2022한국문학이론과 비평Topophilia in Lee Tae-jun's work is the place of restoration of sovereignty that all Koreans who were colonized aspire to. His desire to return t…
허재영2022한국어문교육This article aims to clarify the significance of correspondence education in the history of modern and contemporary education in Korea and Beom-j…
최창수2022韓國行政硏究The purpose of this paper is to compare King Jeong-jo of the Joseon Dynasty and the modern President of Roh Moo Hyun, who pursued state reform as…
도지예2022한국사진지리학회지Sungkyunkwan, located in the capital of the Joseon Dynasty, was the highest educational institution that performed functions such as Neo-Confucia…
변은미2022어문논집Hyunto glosses(懸吐) is a unique way of Korea designed to accurately read Classic Chinese, marking the punctuation of the sentence with symbols. Af…
정우봉2022民族文化硏究Only a few figures are known about the existence of military official in the Joseon Dynasty, such as Yi Sun-sin and Im Gyeong-eop, and other mili…
이연진2022敎育思想硏究This study examined the basic regulations of Jongshin-Jeon’gang, (宗臣殿講) focusing on the law code of the Joseon dynasty, and reviewed the detailed…
김경화2022儒學硏究In this paper, Hyoyeolbumunssijeon written by Hwaseo (華西) Lee Hang-ro (李恒老, 1792∼1868), a Confucian scholar at the end of the Joseon Dynasty, was…