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      고전수필의 지도 방법 연구 : 연암 박지원의 <통곡할 만한 자리>를 중심으로 = A Study on the Teaching Method for Classical Essays : Focusing on <A Place to Wail> by Yeonam Park Ji-won



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Despite significant changes in the content of the national curriculum along with changes stemming from the passage of time, there has been no great alteration in teaching-learning of classical literature in the education field. Therefore, assuming the...

      Despite significant changes in the content of the national curriculum along with changes stemming from the passage of time, there has been no great alteration in teaching-learning of classical literature in the education field. Therefore, assuming the need for research into the education of classical essays, which has been least studied from among the types of classical literature, this paper attempted to conduct research into detailed teaching methods for classical essays that would be suitable as content for a revised curriculum while avoiding the existing education for classical literature.
      In Chapter Ⅱ, in order to look into the status of the education of classical essays in literature education, the paper reviewed the character, goal, and contents of literature education in the Korean language curriculum. Also, the paper considered the value of literature education theory for classical essays in literature education.
      In Chapter Ⅲ, for discovering the current education of classical essays, the paper took a look into the current education of classical essays through an analysis of the pattern of classical essays included in the textbook and the units of the textbook.
      In Chapter Ⅳ, the paper proposed a teaching method for the education of classical essays, centering on <A Place to Wail> by Park Ji-won. Through the proposal of a new model that is transformed responsiveness to teaching-learning, the paper suggested a direction for teaching-learning of the education of classical essays. Then, based on this, the paper proposed appropriate teaching-learning procedures for <A Place to Wail> by Yeonam Park Ji-won, which is a detailed work.
      This study aimed to propose a direction for teaching-learning for the education of classical essays, which may even lead to the production of creative literature by enabling learners to experience the life of an author revealed in the classical essay; thereby experiencing a relationship with their lives through an understanding of life, and to identify the value of the life of the author through an internalization of lives experienced from classical essays into their lives based on the above.
      However, the limitation of this study may be that it did not research detailed teaching methods with the use of more diverse classical essays. It is necessary to continue researching various teaching methods in accordance with a new curriculum along with the compilation of a new textbook suitable for the forthcoming revised curriculum.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
      • 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1
      • 2. 연구사 검토 = 3
      • 3. 연구 방향 = 5
      • Ⅱ. 문학교육에서의 고전수필 교육의 위상 = 6
      • Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
      • 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1
      • 2. 연구사 검토 = 3
      • 3. 연구 방향 = 5
      • Ⅱ. 문학교육에서의 고전수필 교육의 위상 = 6
      • 1. 국어과 교육 과정에서의 문학교육 = 6
      • 2. 문학교육에서의 고전수필 교육 = 12
      • Ⅲ. 고전수필 교육의 현황 = 17
      • 1. 고전수필의 교과서 수록 양상 = 18
      • 2. 교과서 분석을 통해 본 고전수필 교육의 실태 = 22
      • 3. 고전수필 교육의 개선 방향 = 33
      • Ⅳ. 고전수필의 지도 방법 = 36
      • 1. 고전수필의 교수-학습의 방향 = 36
      • 2. 고전수필의 교수-학습의 실제 = 39
      • 2.1 <통곡할 만한 자리>의 지도 방법 = 39
      • 2.2 <통곡할 만한 자리>의 교수-학습 지도안 = 49
      • Ⅴ. 결론 = 58
      • 참고문헌 = 60
      • 부록 = 63
      • ABSTRACT = 78














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