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      조선통신사 접대 연향을 통해 본 일본 의전(儀典)문화 및 전통예능의 특수성



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Between 1607 to 1811, during the latter part of the Joseon dynasty, there were a total of 12 diplomatic Tongshinsa. When arranging and viewing the stage arts performances and the number of times they were performed at an event or banquet, the Kemari(...

      Between 1607 to 1811, during the latter part of the Joseon dynasty, there were a total of 12 diplomatic Tongshinsa. When arranging and viewing the stage arts performances and the number of times they were performed at an event or banquet, the Kemari(蹴鞠) was performed twice, the Wonhee(猿戯) twice, the Sarukaku(猿楽) three times, the Kabuki(歌舞伎) twice, the Ningyoyoruri(人形浄瑠璃) twice, the Japhee(雑戯) twice, the Chakgyungzihi(捉鯨之戱) twice and the Bugaku(舞楽) once. Among these, all fall under the category of "play." Thus, it can be said that the Japanese shogunate government placed "play" at the center of the Joseon Tongshinsa receptions and this can be a key point in the comparative study of the ceremonial culture of both the countries of Korea and Japan. The reception for the first delegation that was dispatched after the friendly relations were recovered was a Kemari. Kemari was a very ceremonial and stylish game conducted in a formalized location where trees were planted on all sides. Rather than to decide on a winner and loser, it was very peaceful in that balls were kicked around and the arts were enjoyed in and of themselves. There were many instances when the games were conducted with implications of The Peace of the World, The Abundance of Five Grains and Domestic Stability with prayers for these values to come to pass. Kemari that began in the beginning as play or what was ordinary for those who had low social status was reborn as a highly dignified game using a ball with as it proceeded to be ceremonialized with the active participation of the noble class and the emperor along with the opportunity given to raise one's social status. It can be said that a significant characteristic of Japanese traditional entertainment is that particular entertainment became ceremonialized and changed from "the ordinary" to "refined" with the participation of the upper class. The direction and the characteristics of the development of traditional entertainment can be transformed greatly based who leads and how the leading is conducted. In other words, the aspects could be different based on the cultural power structure that lead the development. In the case of Japan, the cultural power structure and the development of the arts was centered on Imperial household and the noble class during ancient times, the shogunate government and the warrior class during the middle ages and the working class during modern times. It appears that there needs to be a study conducted on the similarities and differences formed in the traditional arts based on the role that the cultural power structure had on the development of both countries.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 조선통신사에 대한 접대규례와 연향의 상세
      • Ⅲ. 일본 의전문화 및 전통예능의 특수성
      • Ⅳ. 맺음말
      • 參考文獻
      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 조선통신사에 대한 접대규례와 연향의 상세
      • Ⅲ. 일본 의전문화 및 전통예능의 특수성
      • Ⅳ. 맺음말
      • 參考文獻
      • <要旨>

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 민족문화추진회, "해행총재" 민족문화추진회 1977

      2 이도남, "한국 측 기록에 보이는 일본의 궁중악무에 관한 일고찰-신묘사행(辛卯使行)의 『동사록(東��録)』을 중심으로-" 동아시아일본학회 35 (35): 305-325, 2010

      3 김건서, "증정교린지" 한국학술정보 2007

      4 한문종, "조선전기 倭使의 宴享接待와 女樂" 한일관계사학회 (36) : 39-65, 2010

      5 "조선왕조실록 홈페이지"

      6 일연, "삼국유사" 홍신문화사 1991

      7 김현문, "동사록" 혜안 2007

      8 홍석모, "동국세시기" 홍신문화사 1989

      9 사진실, "공연문화의 전통 樂·戱·劇" 태악사 2002

      10 서정완, "가무음악략사" 소명출판 2011

      1 민족문화추진회, "해행총재" 민족문화추진회 1977

      2 이도남, "한국 측 기록에 보이는 일본의 궁중악무에 관한 일고찰-신묘사행(辛卯使行)의 『동사록(東��録)』을 중심으로-" 동아시아일본학회 35 (35): 305-325, 2010

      3 김건서, "증정교린지" 한국학술정보 2007

      4 한문종, "조선전기 倭使의 宴享接待와 女樂" 한일관계사학회 (36) : 39-65, 2010

      5 "조선왕조실록 홈페이지"

      6 일연, "삼국유사" 홍신문화사 1991

      7 김현문, "동사록" 혜안 2007

      8 홍석모, "동국세시기" 홍신문화사 1989

      9 사진실, "공연문화의 전통 樂·戱·劇" 태악사 2002

      10 서정완, "가무음악략사" 소명출판 2011

      11 正宗敦夫, "日本古典全集(69)" 日本古典全集刊行会 1927

      12 "新宮市홈페이지"

      13 新井白石, "新井白石全集四" 東京活版株式会社 1906

      14 "国際日本文化研究センター홈페이지"

      15 稲垣弘明, "中世蹴鞠史の研究" 思文閣出版 2008

      16 "下鴨神社 홈페이지"

      17 한태문, "【기획논문】通信使 왕래를 통한 한일 演戱 교류" 부경역사연구소 (23) : 5-34, 2008


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