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      천주교 수용기의 女性入敎와 童貞女의 활동 = A study on the women's conversion and the virgins' activity in the period of the reception of the Catholicism



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The society of Chosun dynasty had an unrest of the tradition in politic, economy and culture, etc. in the 18th century. To calm this unrest, the doctrines of Sil-hak(實學)and Soe-hak(西學) which are against the doctrines of Chu-tzu(朱子學)are t...

      The society of Chosun dynasty had an unrest of the tradition in politic, economy and culture, etc. in the 18th century. To calm this unrest, the doctrines of Sil-hak(實學)and Soe-hak(西學) which are against the doctrines of Chu-tzu(朱子學)are taken. An these also was movement to get rid of the contradiction of the Chosun society through these new learning. This was a modern-oriented movement. The introduction and study of the books of Soe-hak(西學) with the rise of practical science through Pukungsahang(赴京使行) made Catholicism taken as a religion. Catholicism made a rapid prevalence and made it possible for the then people to live a new and anti-confucius life. Catholicism admit that human beings have souls and women as well as men are siblings of the heavenly God, so that the right of women of those days was expanded.
      Celibacy introduced by Catholicism was enough to be a target of Confucianists, who insists Mubu-mugun(無父無君). Although Catholicism admit marriage, Catholicism put the priority to celibacy giving virgin to God before marriage and it was made to be decided by those who stated it by themselves. The book most between Catholicists were 『CHUN_JU SHIL-YEE』(天主實義)and 『CHIL-KUK』 (七克). These two books contain general dogma and the meanings & values of celibacy in detail. The book of 『CHUN_JU SHIL-YEE』 says basic definition of celibacy and explains 8 reasons for clergymen to live single. It also gives a reasonable expression to celibacy by differentiating the doctrine of the obedience to parents between Oriental and Western society. 『CHIL-KUK』expresses chastity as a way to rule lust which is the root of sin and divides the chastity into three grades to put the most value to celibacy with chastity. Celibacy was hard to be in practice because of the social ideology and the pressure caused by it. Couples called "TONGCHUNG BUBU(童貞夫婦)"were married apparently but they don't do sex in real.
      Virginity is the tradition custom of asceticism and a sign of voluntary religion participation among the Catholic. They lived religiously and don't marry. This point is way to keep virginity to them. This way to be chosen by them is very important in woman history, because they broke down traditional marriage view of Confunicianism and developed their lives of sprit for themselves.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 목차
      • ABSTRACT = i
      • I. 머리말 = 1
      • II. 天主敎의 수용과정과 여성층의 入敎 = 2
      • 1. 조선후기 사회변동과 西學전래 = 2
      • 목차
      • ABSTRACT = i
      • I. 머리말 = 1
      • II. 天主敎의 수용과정과 여성층의 入敎 = 2
      • 1. 조선후기 사회변동과 西學전래 = 2
      • 2. 학문과 종교로서의 天主敎의 수용 = 3
      • 3. 天主敎 여성수용책과 여성入敎 = 6
      • III. 조선의 女性지위와 天主敎의 童貞女 = 12
      • 1. 조선조 女性의 사회적 지위 = 12
      • 2. 천주교 童貞女의 종교적 배경 = 14
      • 3. 유학자들의 동정관념 비판 = 17
      • IV. 조선후기 童貞女의 활동과 의의 = 22
      • 1. 동정부부의 출현 = 22
      • 2. 童貞女의 聚會활동 = 25
      • 3. 童貞女 활동의 의의 = 36
      • V. 맺음말 = 38
      • 참고문헌 = 40














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