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      1980년 ‘일한연대’ 활동의 성격과 의미:일본 시민사회의 광주 5・18과 ‘김대중 구명운동’ 자료를 중심으로 = The ‘Japan-Korea Solidarity’ activities in 1980: Analysis of documents about May 18 Gwangju Uprising and ‘Save Kim Dae-jung Movement’ in Japanese civil society

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study examines the nature and meaning of the ‘Japan-Korea Solidarity’ activities based on materials produced in Japanese civil society in 1980 related to the May 18 Gwangju Uprising and the ‘Save Kim Dae-jung movement’. Today, South Korea...

      This study examines the nature and meaning of the ‘Japan-Korea Solidarity’ activities based on materials produced in Japanese civil society in 1980 related to the May 18 Gwangju Uprising and the ‘Save Kim Dae-jung movement’. Today, South Korea-Japan relations was considered the worst; yet the voices calling for solidarity among citizens have been heard again in both societies. The examination of the nature and meaning of the ‘Japan-Korea Solidarity’ in Japanese civil society, which appeared 40 years ago in response to the May 18 Gwangju and a threat to Kim Dae-jung’s life, could have multiple implications in the analysis of Japanese civil society, the transnationality of the Gwangju Uprising and the ‘Save Kim Dae-jung movement’, and the South Korea-Japan relations shaped by civil society. This study takes a close look at how the nature of Japanese civil society changed after the “Season of Politics” in the 1960s and discusses the impact of the 1973 kidnapping incident of Kim Dae-jung on Japanese civil society and the symbolic meaning of Kim Dae-jung for them. The discussion is followed by an analysis of how the ‘Japan-Korea Solidarity’ activities unfolded in Japan and the discourses around it, using the documents and records made by Zainichi(Korean residents in Japan) and Japanese Christians, intellectuals, and activists in relation to the Gwangju Uprising and the ‘Save Kim Dae-jung movement’ in 1980. The analysis revealed that the ‘Japan-Korea Solidarity’ was a democracy-oriented movement in Japan with an underlying ethnic movement of Zainichi, a sense of responsibility of Japanese intellectuals and activists for the kidnapping incident of Kim Dae-jung, and the ongoing colonial relationship between South Korea and Japan. Although there were not yet concrete discussions on the responsibility of the colonial past and war, which are the fundamental tasks for Japanese democracy, the solidarity activism in 1980 turned out to be the important foundation for Japanese civil society to continue a democracy movement.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 조현옥, "해외의 한국 민주화 운동" 비판사회학회 (65) : 72-94, 2005

      2 "한국통신"

      3 조효제, "한국, 아시아 시민사회를 말하다" 아르케 2005

      4 "피의 항쟁의 기록"

      5 "토모니 (함께) - 한국민주화지원연대뉴스"

      6 "지금이야말로 자유를! 김대중씨를 구하자"

      7 "자유광주"

      8 "일한민중연대뉴스 봄"

      9 김영미, "외교문서를 통해서 본 김대중 납치사건과 한·일 연대" 한국근현대사학회 (58) : 214-251, 2011

      10 "아시아와 여성해방"

      1 조현옥, "해외의 한국 민주화 운동" 비판사회학회 (65) : 72-94, 2005

      2 "한국통신"

      3 조효제, "한국, 아시아 시민사회를 말하다" 아르케 2005

      4 "피의 항쟁의 기록"

      5 "토모니 (함께) - 한국민주화지원연대뉴스"

      6 "지금이야말로 자유를! 김대중씨를 구하자"

      7 "자유광주"

      8 "일한민중연대뉴스 봄"

      9 김영미, "외교문서를 통해서 본 김대중 납치사건과 한·일 연대" 한국근현대사학회 (58) : 214-251, 2011

      10 "아시아와 여성해방"

      11 "쓰러진 자들을 위한 기도 - 1980년 5월 광주"

      12 "서명운동뉴스 ‘김대중을 죽이지마! 시민서명운동’"

      13 "민족시보"

      14 "김대중씨 등을 죽이지마! 요코스카 1만 명 서명운동 뉴스"

      15 "김대중씨 등을 죽이지마! 수도권긴급운동 속보"

      16 한국문제기독자긴급회의, "韓国民主化闘争資料集 1973-1976" 新教出版社 1976

      17 이미숙, "韓国民主化運動における地下情報の発信越境的なキリスト者ネットワークの形成と活動を中心に" 5 : 145-172, 2012

      18 정근주, "韓国民主化支援運動と日韓関係-「金大中内乱陰謀事件」と日本に おける救命運動を中心に" 20 : 359-371, 2013

      19 와다 하루키, "韓国からの問いかけともに求める" 思想の科学社 1982

      20 와다 하루키, "金大中と日韓関係民主主義と平和の日韓関係史" 韓国延世大学金大中図書館 163-185, 2013

      21 지명관, "池明観自伝 境界線を超える旅" 岩波書店 2005

      22 고스기 료코, "東大闘争の語り社会運動の予示と戦略" 新曜社 2018

      23 니시키도 마코토, "抗いの条件-社会運動の文化的アプローチ" 人文書院 2008

      24 조선연구 편집부, "座談会「反共反日」デモをどうみるか" 4-28, 1974

      25 조기은, "在日朝鮮人と1970年代の韓国民主化運動" 12 : 197-217, 2006

      26 요시미 순야, "ポスト戦後社会" 岩波書店 2009

      27 안도 다케마사, "ニューレフト運動と市民社会-「六○年代」の思想のゆくえ" 世界思想社 2013

      28 도미야마 다에코, "アジアを抱く" 岩波書店 2009

      29 오에 겐자부로, "この一年、そして明日" 10-23, 1974

      30 정재준, "ある「在日」の半生 金大中救出運動小史" 現代人文社 2006

      31 와다 하루키, "「金芝河らを助ける会」の意味" (1) : 52-61, 1975

      32 이미숙, "「日韓連帯運動」の時代1970 80年代のトランスナショナルな公共圏 とメディア" 東京大学出版会 2018

      33 Lee, Misook, "The Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement in the 1970s and 1980s: From Solidarity to Reflexive Democracy" 12 (12): 2014

      34 이미숙, "South Korea’s Democratization Movement of the 1970s and 80s and Communicative Interaction in Transnational Ecumenical Networks" 한국사연구소 19 (19): 241-270, 2014

      35 미야타 히로토, "65万人在日朝鮮人" すずさわ書店 1977

      36 무토 이치요, "20世紀の政治思想と社会運動" 社会評論社 74-88, 1998

      37 오구마 에지, "1968-若者たちの叛乱とその背景<上>/<下>" 新曜社 2009


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