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      고려 전기 사면 실시의 특징과 행형 체계의 수립 방향



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      First of all, in this thesis, the content and characteristic of various pardon in the early Goryeo dynasty was looked into. Also, based on such content, the structure and characteristics of sentence system has been studied. After finalizing the tas...

      First of all, in this thesis, the content and characteristic of various pardon in the early Goryeo dynasty was looked into. Also, based on such content, the structure and characteristics of sentence system has been studied.
      After finalizing the task of unifying the Later Three Kingdoms, The Goryeo administration continued to revamp the authorizing system overall. Among the tasks was reorganizing the sentence system. However, under the name of national integration and gathering citizen’s voice in such period, pardoning criminals was implemented. Due to such order, confusion and issues risen from the sentence system. In order to solve this issue, The Goryeo administration needed to set a firm principle for implementing pardon.
      Pardon has been implemented since King T’aejo. Other monarchs who worshipped him declared such pardon several times after. However, during such incidents, several issues occurred. As the fairness and liability on the pardon plummeted lots of complaints and rage occurred. It was due to the random implementation rather than implementing in the right order and form. In order to solve the issues that occurred due to the pardon, they needed a revamp linked to the sentence system. It is because punishing criminals and pardoning is directly linked together.
      At last, by the era of King Seongjong who accepted the Confucian politics system, the basic principles of pardon such as the terminology, reason of pardon, scope, reinstatement or social special favor etc has been set up. However, due to the nature of pardon implementation, it was hard to set it up completely. The pardon differed by the political situation as it went along. In such point, pardon was different from sentence system.
      Nevertheless, the reason and fairness of pardon had to be kept thoroughly. If that has any issues, confusion and rage could occur. However, the debate on reason and fairness went on forever as time went by. During such progress, pardons were implemented more frequently and the content became full.
      The reason of such frequent pardon lies in the strengthening of centralization system in terms of politics and in terms of social economic terms, the progress of agriculture and the changes in the family dynamics.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 요약
      • 머리말
      • Ⅰ. 태조∼성종대 실시에서의 토대 마련과 행형 체계의 보완 기능
      • Ⅱ. 목종∼헌종대 실시의 성격 변화와 행형에서의 公務 관련의 비중 증대
      • Ⅲ. 숙종∼의종대 실행상의 문제점과 행형 체계의 혼란 조성
      • 요약
      • 머리말
      • Ⅰ. 태조∼성종대 실시에서의 토대 마련과 행형 체계의 보완 기능
      • Ⅱ. 목종∼헌종대 실시의 성격 변화와 행형에서의 公務 관련의 비중 증대
      • Ⅲ. 숙종∼의종대 실행상의 문제점과 행형 체계의 혼란 조성
      • 맺음말
      • 참고문헌
      • Abstract

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 文炯萬, "麗代歸鄕考" 23 : 1964

      3 윤훈표, "조선초기 階級法 運用에 관한 試論的 考察" 역사실학회 37 : 5-36, 2008

      4 한정수, "월령과 국가" 민속원 2010

      5 "신증동국여지승람"

      6 "선화봉사고려도경"

      7 "삼국사기"

      8 윤훈표, "법과 규범, 관행에 대한 의식" 국학연구원 (124) : 97-143, 2004

      9 김택민, "동양법의 일반원칙" 아카넷 2002

      10 "동문선"

      1 李世賢, "麗代諸王의 天變觀과 恤刑" 8 (8): 1975

      2 文炯萬, "麗代歸鄕考" 23 : 1964

      3 윤훈표, "조선초기 階級法 運用에 관한 試論的 考察" 역사실학회 37 : 5-36, 2008

      4 한정수, "월령과 국가" 민속원 2010

      5 "신증동국여지승람"

      6 "선화봉사고려도경"

      7 "삼국사기"

      8 윤훈표, "법과 규범, 관행에 대한 의식" 국학연구원 (124) : 97-143, 2004

      9 김택민, "동양법의 일반원칙" 아카넷 2002

      10 "동문선"

      11 김호동, "고려율령에 관한 연구현황" 민족문화연구소 2007 (2007): 3-47, 2007

      12 윤훈표, "고려시대의 형법과 형정" 국사편찬위윈회 2002

      13 영남대학교 민족문화연구소, "고려시대 율령의 복원과 정리" 경인문화사 2010

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      16 "고려사절요"

      17 "고려사"

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      21 辛虎雄, "高麗法制史硏究" 國學資料院 1995

      22 辛虎雄, "高麗法制史硏究" 國學資料院 1995

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      24 兪成國, "高麗時代의 赦免制度" 4 : 1997

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      27 李熙德, "高麗時代의 天文觀과 儒敎主義政治理念" 17 : 1977

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      43 채웅석, "『고려사』 형법지 역주" 신서원 2009


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