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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 873 素隱先生文集
  • Block book
  • 조선시대 후기
  • 序-郭鍾錫(1907)․李道黙(1908), 跋-金鎭祜․姜璲桓(1908)

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Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
면우선생문집(俛宇先生文集) 곽종석(郭鍾錫) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
면우선생집속(俛宇先生集續) 곽종석(郭鍾錫) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
대계선생문집(大溪先生文集) 이승희(李承熙) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
대계선생문집속(大溪先生文集續) 이승희(李承熙) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
여재유고(餘齋遺稿) 김양직(金養直) 1959 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
단사유고(丹砂遺稿) 하부호(河復浩) - 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

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