Ŭngch'o yujip List
1935 | |
Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.
Anthology name | Author | Published year | Age of writing | DB |
송계문집(松溪文集) | 전규진(田珪鎭) | 1933 | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
소눌선생문집(小訥先生文集) | 노상직(盧相稷) | - | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
활암유고(活菴遺稿) | 전용규(田溶奎) | 1957 | Modern | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
만최문집(晩最文集) | 이태문(李泰文) | 1971 | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
구암문집(究庵文集) | 이광로(李光魯) | 1966 | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
도촌유집(陶村遺集) | 허혁(許赫) | 1978 | Modern | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
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