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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 1257-1258 愛山先生文集(愛山文集)
  • Manuscript
  • Korean Empire
  • 序-李相虔, 跋-權五根(1926), 後識-琴龜淵

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Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
회당선생문집(晦堂先生文集) 장석영(張錫英) 1932 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
운정유집(雲庭遺集) 장승원(張承遠) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
운정유집부록(雲庭遺集附錄) 장승원(張承遠) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
유헌선생문집(遊軒先生文集) 장석용(張錫龍) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
유헌선생년보(遊軒先生年譜) 장석용(張錫龍) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
척암선생문집(拓菴先生文集) 김도화(金道和) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

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