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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 1527 松巖先生文集
  • Block book
  • 조선시대 중기
  • 序-柳致明, 跋-李彙寧(1852)․李亨秀

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It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
송암선생문집보유(松巖先生文集補遺) 이로(李魯) 1984 조선시대 중기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
고계문집(古溪文集) 이휘녕(李彙寧) - 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
지애선생문집(芝厓先生文集) 정위(鄭煒) 1845 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
정재선생문집(定齋先生文集) 유치명(柳致明) - 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
정재선생문집속집(定齋先生文集續集) 유치명(柳致明) - 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
정재선생문집부록(定齋先生文集附錄) 유치명(柳致明) - 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

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