P'oŭn chip List
1337年(高麗 忠肅王復位6)~1392年(高麗 恭讓王4)
1677 | |
Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.
Anthology name | Author | Published year | Age of writing | DB |
포은집(圃隱集) | 정몽주(鄭夢周) | 1607 | Koryŏ | Korean Anthologies Collection DB |
Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.
Classification | Author | Title | Journal/Book Title | Publication year |
논문 | Choi Seung-beom | The Mot of the Choson Sonbi | Koreana (English) | 1998 |
논문 | An Byung-ju | Sungkyunkwan: Asia's Oldest University Preserves Confucian Tradition | Koreana (English) | 1998 |
논문 | 전관수 | 圃隱集 刊行과 道統論의 관계에 대한 硏究 | 열상고전연구 | 2005 |
논문 | 林鍾旭 | 圃隱 鄭夢周의 詩文學에 나타난 中國體驗과 性理學的 世界觀 | 한국문학연구 | 1989 |
논문 | 李演載 | 圃隱 鄭夢周의 思想的 葛藤 | 겨레어문학 | 1985 |
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