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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 627-628 鶴山先生文集(鶴山文集)
  • Manuscript
  • Korean Empire
  • 序-柳奭佑(1976), 跋-李中洙(1965), 後識-柳壽榮(1977)

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It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
이류재문집(二柳齋文集) 이중수(李中洙) - Modern The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
범암집 (汎庵集 ) 유연즙(柳淵楫) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
수서문집(水西文集) 유연근(柳淵根) 1968 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
일암문집(一菴文集) 권수승(權秀升) 1977 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
칠회당문집(七悔堂文集) 심동택(沈東澤) 1972 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
창고문집(蒼皐文集) 박규진(朴煃鎭) 1982 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

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