Sasukchae chip List
1805 | |
Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.
Anthology name | Author | Published year | Age of writing | DB |
사숙재집(私淑齋集) | 강희맹(姜希孟) | 1805 | 조선시대 전기 | Korean Anthologies Collection DB |
Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.
Classification | Author | Title | Journal/Book Title | Publication year |
논문 | Choi Seung-beom | The Mot of the Choson Sonbi | Koreana (English) | 1998 |
논문 | 안휘준 | 韓國浙派畵風의 硏究 | 미술자료 | 1977 |
논문 | 이연순 | 姜希孟의 여성인식과 그 형성배경 | 이화어문논집 | 2007 |
논문 | 이연순 | 姜希孟의 여성인식과 그 형성배경 | 이화어문논집 | 2007 |
논문 | 安章利 | 姜希孟의 生涯와 文學 | 열상고전연구 | 2003 |
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