Hansujae chip List
1761 | |
Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.
Anthology name | Author | Published year | Age of writing | DB |
병계집(屛溪集) | 윤봉구(尹鳳九) | - | 조선시대 후기 | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
한수재집(寒水齋集) | 권상하(權尙夏) | 1761 | 조선시대 후기 | Korean Anthologies Collection DB |
Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.
Classification | Author | Title | Journal/Book Title | Publication year |
논문 | 成校珍 | 寒水濟 權尙夏의 牲理思想 硏究 | 연구논문집 | 1988 |
논문 | 鄭珉 | 淵泉 洪奭周의 學門精神과 古文論 | 韓國學論集 | 1989 |
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