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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 45 生六臣文集
  • Block book
  • 조선시대 전기
  • 序-姜渾(1516)․朴弼周(1742), 識-趙榮祏

Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
생륙신선생집부록(生六臣先生集附錄) (None) 1893 조선시대 전기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
어계선생집(漁溪先生集) 조려(趙旅) - 조선시대 전기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
어계선생속집(漁溪先生續集) 조려(趙旅) - 조선시대 전기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
관란일고 (觀瀾逸稿 ) 원호(元昊) 1893 Chosun The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
문두일고 (文斗逸稿 ) 성담수(成聃壽) 1893 조선시대 전기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
어계집(漁溪集) 조여(趙旅) 1901 조선시대 전기 Korean Anthologies Collection DB

Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.

Classification Author Title Journal/Book Title Publication year
논문 池斗煥 漁溪 趙旅(1420~1489)의 生涯와 影響 韓國文化硏究 1989
한국학 콘텐츠 더보기(1)

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