金璟植1982한국교육사학The object of this thesis is to trace how Yulgog(栗谷) evolved Hyang-Yack (鄕約) as a movement of social education, and to elucidate the thought of social education contained in the movement of Hang-Yack (鄕約), and finally to in...
朴珠1982연구논문집This study was undertaken to investigate Lee-Saek who was an outstanding scholar from the end of Koryo Dynasty till the biginning of Cho-Sun Dynasty(麗末鮮初), and divided into two parts. The first part was tried to grasp the...
金奉漢1982學位論叢Park Eun-Shick (1859-1925) who lived in the age of civilization in our country was a confucianist, journalist, educational philosopher, historian. He gained great fame by Chu Hsi School in the time of learning (1859-1898), ...
崔信浩1982論文集화담의 연보는 지극히 단순하다. 5세로 생을 마칠 때까지 개성문 밖 임천에서 빈실한 처사로 일관했으니 그럴 수박에 없다. 31세 때 조정에서 천거과를 설치하여 화담을 첫 번째로 추천하였으나 불취하였고, 43세 때는 모친의 명으로 사마과에 급제하였으나 대과는...