류미나2019한일관계사연구The Japanese government felt a crisis in the emperor system and the national integration of “democracy” in the 1920s. The government strengthen...
나행주2019한일관계사연구It was the Gigi-myth that was created to claim the permanence and legitimacy of the Imperial Family's Rule over the Japanese Islands in ancient...
유지아2019한일관계사연구Although the Meiji government stated civilization opening as a national mission and attempted modernization, the government's inner object was ...
박한민2019한일관계사연구In this article, the contents of the Byeongja yorok, which is kept in the National Library of Korea, were analyzed. This text contains document...
김진수2019한일관계사연구광복 이후 1990년대까지의 임진왜란 연구는 의병에 관한 성과가 풍부하지만, 전쟁 극복의 주요한 주체 중의 하나인 관군에 대한 연구가 부진했다. 이는 전쟁 당시 관군의 허약성과 조선 정부의 무능력한 전쟁 대응 능력을 보여주는 부정적인 시각으로 나타났다. 그...
이승희2019한일관계사연구A series of rebellions of the old Samurai class and the ‘movement for liberal civil rights following the Meiji Restoration in Japan raised a ne...
조국2019한일관계사연구This article examines the Chinese Consular courts in Nagasaki, the treaty port of Japan, to provide a comparative historical approach to modern...
이재석2019한일관계사연구This study looked into Tennōki(天皇記), Kokki(國記) and Omi(臣) Muraji(連)~Honki(本記) that are known to be published in the 28th year of Tenno Suiko (6...
김선웅2018한일관계사연구This research is about a study of synthetic fiber industry(1937-1945), furthermore about mechanical・technical feature, policy and reality of sy...
강성우2018한일관계사연구This study aims to deconstruct the orientalist interpretations of western view on Korea in the late nineteenth century(Open port period) in rel...