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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 377 慕隱先生文集(慕隱遺稿)
  • Block book
  • Korean Empire
  • 序-奇宇萬(1915), 跋-鄭南植(1912)

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It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
괴정집(槐亭集) 이창신(李昌新) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
송사선생문집(松沙先生文集) 기우만(奇宇萬) 1919 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
송사선생문집속(松沙先生文集續) 기우만(奇宇萬) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
송사선생습유(松沙先生拾遺) 기우만(奇宇萬) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
송사선생부록(松沙先生附錄) 기우만(奇宇萬) - Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
윤산집(輪山集) 김재인(金在仁) 1952 Korean Empire The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

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