Munch'ŏng kong munjip List

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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 580 迎日鄭氏世稿拾遺
  • Manuscript
  • 조선시대 중기
  • -

Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
수계공유고(壽溪公遺稿) 정해수(鄭海綏) - - The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
수환공유고(守環公遺稿) 정흡(鄭潝) - - The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
소은공유고(簫隱公遺稿) 정민하(鄭敏河) - 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
수산공유고(壽山公遺稿) 정조원(鄭祚源) - - The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
백우공유고(白愚公遺稿) 정태황(鄭泰晃) - Modern The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
계당공유고(溪堂公遺稿) 정근(鄭根) - 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.

Classification Author Title Journal/Book Title Publication year
논문 Lee, Sung-Il The Wife's Lament and Samiin'gok, a Classical Korean Poem 중세영문학 1999
논문 Kim, Hae-Ung 회원사탐방 - 송강조경을 찾아서 造景樹 2011
논문 裵基源 韓.英浪漫主義詩 比較硏究 關大論文集 1979
논문 배기원 한 영 낭만주의시 비교연구 -송강과 Wordsworth를 중심으로 關大論文集 1979
논문 Park, Seong-Rae 팔방미인 실학자 정철조 과학과 기술 2003
한국학 콘텐츠 더보기(75)

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