開城郡面誌 第5輯 上道面ㆍ進鳳面ㆍ靑郊面ㆍ東面 List

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開城郡面誌 第5輯 上道面ㆍ進鳳面ㆍ靑郊面ㆍ東面
개성군면지 제5집 상도면ㆍ진봉면ㆍ청교면ㆍ동면
  • The Collection of Korean Geography, Customs and History DB No. 258 開城郡面誌

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함북잡조(咸北雜俎) 천구묘귤(川口卯橘) 1924 The Collection of Korean Geography, Customs and History DB

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