이서행2010군사연구This research focuses on analyzing the entity of substantial dominium over Dokdo and its guardianship right after the Korean War in the context...
유미림2008한국정치외교사논총One of the most important disputes between Korea and Japan relating to the territorial sovereignty over the Dokdo is the point to find if Usand...
金鉦丘2006인문학연구Dokdo Island was not a part of the Japanese territory to be ceded to the newly independent Korea by the territorial clause of the 1951 San Francisco Pease Treaty. The 1910 Annexation Treaty and each of the other four treat...
曺圭雲2002United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea had been concluded in 1982 through a long session, and by many times of argument, and entered i...
정연철1998The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea entered into force on 16 November 1994, twelve years after it was adopted on 10 December 19...