Hoegan munjip List
1918 | |
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It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.
Anthology name | Author | Published year | Age of writing | DB |
학산문집(鶴山文集) | 유응목(柳膺睦) | 1977 | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
회당선생문집(晦堂先生文集) | 장석영(張錫英) | 1932 | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
면와일고(俛窩逸稿) | 정내원(鄭來源) | 1963 | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
수서문집(水西文集) | 유연근(柳淵根) | 1968 | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
고암문집(古庵文集) | 조현규(趙顯奎) | - | Modern | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
만포문집(晩圃文集) | 조성락(趙性洛) | - | Korean Empire | The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB |
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