배재훈2019서울과 역사Eunpyeong-gu New Town 'Cheongdamsa' where inscribed roof tiles were excavated is a unique building site on the roadside. The roof tiles, on which…
양홍진2019인문과학연구Korea has a long history of astronomy and there is a large amount of observational records of natural phenomena, including astronomical events ov…
최화열2019한국사진지리학회지The purpose of this study is to examine geographic backgrounds, regional tourism characteristics and places related to Korean culture and history in Saga Prefecture, Japan. Saga is a prefecture in the northwest part of Kyushu…
윌슨2019인권법평론이 논문은 한국의 다문화 정책에 대한 심층적 설명과 정치적 분석을 제공하려고 한다. ‘multiculturalism’으로 영역될 수 있는 다문화주의는 한국 정부가 외국인을 한국사회에 통합시키려는 정책으로 현재 규정되어있다. 현재 한국은 전인구의 97%가 한국인…
김원석2019한국융합학회논문지A Convergence Research Study of Southern Fujian Region in China during the Song Dynasty analyzing the Export of CeramicsDuring the Song Dynasty in China ceramics made in the Southern Fujian (also known as Minnan) region were …
윤성환2019군사In the meantime, it has been extreme confusion in the documentary record and researchers' discussions about the battle of ‘Danghang castle(党項城)’ …
변성훈2019문화재The researcher analyzed and presented the status of studies and the current condition of the relics. The status of attached structures was also documented.Furthermore, a short review of the maintenance work performed so far w…
오치훈2019국학연구It was in 976 that Siji (柴地) was first organized in the Jeonsigwa(田柴科). After that, as the system is reorganized, the amount of siji decreases ra…
김승우2019한국언어문학This paper aimed to examine the scenery and culture of Jeonju province during the mid-19th century through Min Juhyeon’s Wansanga and his poems i…
송정숙2019서지학연구이 연구는 경상남도 진주지역에서 간행된 60종의 목활자본 문집을 대상으로 문집 간행의 구체적인 양상과 출판문 화사적 의미를 파악하고자 문집의 유형, 저자사항, 간행사항, 형태사항을 분석하였다. 연구의 결과 다음과 같은 사실 이 밝혀졌다. 1) 목활자본 …