최지수2019인문학연구In this study, we examined how Chinese pronunciation, including pronunciation of the same ancient Chinese language, was accepted in Korea and J...
최은혁2019일본학연구In learning Japanese as a foreign/second language, Kanji is one of the most difficult parts, mostly since one kanji often has different ways to...
이영월2006比較文化硏究中國的各种史書記裁或韓半島出土的諸多文物均可證明韓國與中國的語言接觸可追溯到公元前. 漢字流情到役有文字的韓半島以后, 自然成了記錄韓國歷史文化的文字工具, 其時間長達將近丙千年之久. 到了朝鮮至朝財代(1392-1910), 漢語學司與究空前高漲, 同時又造就了許多著名學者. 1443年(世宗25年), 以世宗大王爲率先的集賢殿學者創制的朝鮮新的文字-訓民正音, 使韓民族擁有了新的交際工具, 把漢語及韓國語硏究提高到了新的硏究軌道上來索. ...