장진엽2022한문교육논집Since the 7th curriculum was founded, discussing the necessity of classical Chinese education in respect to ‘betterment of mutual understanding...
이경미2022東方學This paper delves into types of narratives about women playing musical instruments in the ancient East Asian literature. Though women under a p...
이경미2022한중언어문화연구This paper delves into various types of narratives about women and mirrors portrayed in the East Asian classical literature. A mirror was not o...
김종옥2022만화애니메이션연구This study intends to interpret from a critical point of view how Joseon was imaged in order to secure the legitimacy of Japan’s imperial expan...
이용범2022상허학보This thesis dealt with the problem of ‘Modern Korean Perception of China’ revealed in the process of accepting modern Chinese literature center...
정수환2022한국서원학보In order to track the meaning of Seowon among East Asian values, this stu dy compared and analyzed the characteristics of Seowon in China, Japa...
이승민2021한일관계사연구본 논문의 목적은 기존 조일무역 관련 연구에서 소홀히 다루어졌던 求貿와 관련해서 구무를 바라보는 조선과 일본 양국의 시각, 그리고 동아시아 무역에서 구무가 지니는 특수성 등에 대해 고찰함으로써 조일 양국 교섭의 실상을 파악하는 데 있다. 구무는 일본 막부로부터 대조선외교와 무역에 관한 권한을 위임받은 쓰시마가 필요한 물품을 구해달라고 요청하면, 조선조정에서 사안을 심의하고 허가해서 이루어지는 교역...
김소희2021서지학연구This is a case study to review the acceptance, awareness, and utilization of Daemyungiltongji in the Joseon dynasty as a part of the study on t...
이용범2020상허학보This thesis analysis travelogue “Jang gang man li(長江萬里)” of Choi Chang-gyu, who is the first graduate of department of Chinese language and lit...
이경미2020東方學This article is aimed for re-examining the oppressed view of the patriarchal society at that time by analyzing the distorted standards of chast...