이경동1992In other to seek for the advanced course of producing ceramic pots, which is valued as artistic, sentimental, and commercial in modern times, Cho…
변인숙1990Min-Hwa is the distinctive field of Korean Pictures. It can be thought that our national esthetic sense which was formed in life-philosopohy and …
박종수1988朝鮮朝 女流文學의 中心創作階層은 妓女들이었다. 그들은 士大夫와 共存關係에 있었으며, 특히 詩를 주고 받음으로 그 共存關係의 끈끈한 끈을 맺었다고 할 수 있다. 그러므로 兩者 사이의 媒介體로 作用한 詩文學은 단지 兩者를 연결시키는 촉매역할로써만 볼 것이 아니라 …
천수복1982In comparision with the aristocratic pottery of the past, the type and design in the pottery of the yi Dynasty was popular. It Seems that this ch…
조재호1982The theory on origination of Pun’c¨hong stoneware takes up various opinions many scholars insist on, but this is not accurate established theory …