Songgang yugo List

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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 118 松江先生文集(松江遺稿)
  • Block book
  • 조선시대 중기
  • 序-申欽(1622)․李廷龜(1633), 重刊跋-宋時烈, 後序-張維(1632), 跋-金尙憲(1633)

Related anthoglogies
It is a different edition of the above collection of works, or a collection of related works, such as a collection of works by the same author.

Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
문청공문집(文淸公文集) 정철(鄭澈) 1979 조선시대 중기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
송강집(松江集) 정철(鄭澈) 1674 조선시대 중기 Korean Anthologies Collection DB

Korean Studies Content
This is a list of academic research papers on the above collection.

Classification Author Title Journal/Book Title Publication year
논문 Lee, Sung-Il The Wife's Lament and Samiin'gok, a Classical Korean Poem 중세영문학 1999
논문 Kim, Hae-Ung 회원사탐방 - 송강조경을 찾아서 造景樹 2011
논문 곽미선 허균의 <東征賦> 연구 열상고전연구 2008
논문 정출헌 한국 고전문헌 데이터베이스의 설계·구축 및 응용 방안 연구 民族文化硏究 2001
논문 裵基源 韓.英浪漫主義詩 比較硏究 關大論文集 1979
한국학 콘텐츠 더보기(83)

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