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  • The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB No. 3149 元皐世稿
  • Block book
  • 조선시대 후기
  • -

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Anthology name Author Published year Age of writing DB
원고세고(元皐世稿) 백인국(白仁國) 1909 - The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
구암일고(窶庵逸稿) 백진흥(白震興) 1909 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
하천일고(霞川逸稿 ) 백치흥(白致興) 1909 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
양몽재일고(養夢齋逸稿) 백원발(白源發) 1909 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
월사정일고(月沙亭逸稿) 백필흥(白必興) 1909 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB
율은집(栗隱集) 백세흥(白世興) 1909 조선시대 후기 The Collection of Korean Anthologies DB

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