박혜영2011This study presents an interpretation of three novels from the 1930s, Three Generations, Perfect Peace in the World, and The Grand River, based...
이정자2004이우성·임형택 교수는 1973년『李朝漢文短篇集』(中, 下권은 1978년에 출판)을 출판하였다. 『李朝漢文短篇集』은 18·19세기에 나온 野談集들에서 문학성이 있다고 여겨지는 작품들을 가려서 엮은 것이다. 18·19세기는 광작(廣作)으로 농촌을 떠난 도시...
문현경2004The destruction of ecosystems has brought corresponding crises to human beings and the issue of the environment is getting a lot of attention f...
강명자1977Personnel management encompasses all activities related to people in organizations. It is an utilization of human resources to accomplish the o...