河炫綱1987社會科學論評고려시대의 역사 연구는 다른 시대의 역사 연구와 마찬가지로 1960년대부터 활기를 디기 시작하였다. 그에 따라 여러 분야에 걸쳐 많은 연구성과가 나옴으로써 이 시대에 관한 연구는 그 깊이와 폭을 더하여 왔다. 이와 아울러 이 시대를 이해하는데 있어서 기본적이고…
金毅圭1985同大論叢The study of Koryo Kynasty had been emphasized from the late fifties on, being the missing link between the ancient and modern societies of Korea…
權熹耕1985연구논문집It is possible to declare from references that many kinds of painting had been painted in Koryo Dynasty. However, among general works which have been found only three paintings and two print-paintings actually remain. The oth…
박노준1985韓國學論集This essay seeks to examine Ch'ongsan pyolgok 靑山別曲, one of Koryo kayo 高麗歌謠 or songs of the Koryo Dynasty. The author and the exact date of compos…
金慶洙1984硏究論文集In is not easy to discuss Yi Kyu-bo's literary arts without the knowledge about his days, the last decades of Koryo period. In this thesis, I examined the Chinese-charactered literature in that era, atmosphere of literary w…