김근호2011泰東古典硏究이 논문은 조선 말기 위정척사를 표방하였던 화서학파 최익현의 경세관을 중심으로 그의 시대 인식과 그 사상적 기반을 밝혔다. 또한, 화서문인들이 이항로와 같이 벼슬을 멀리하면서 성리학 연구에 전념하였다는 점에서 최익현의 경세관은 곧 화서문인들의 경세관을 대변...
양진건2003한국교육사학Most of jeju-exiles during the Yi dynasty spent their banishment time mainly writing and reading. Through these activities they could not only cultivate their minds but also leave a great deal of intellectual heritage based...
李炫熙2001硏究論文集The end of chosun Dynasty,the repected leader of a army in the cause of justice Myunam choi Ik Hyun who is practiced that loved for his country and his people and idealogy of independence during a crisis of his country. Hi...
梁鎭健1989탐라문화At the end of the Chosun Dynasty, Taewon-gun(大院君) banished Andong Kim(安東金氏), whose power had regined for a long time, and executed a Dynasty-centered government. He also planned the reformation of domestic administration by...