박경숙2022사회와 역사The Hogu Chongsu, published in the 13th year of King Jeongjo (1789), and total number of households recorded in the Annals of the Joseon Dynast...
이승민2021한국중세사연구This thesis aims to understand the characteristics of basic material as a research process for establishing the database of extraordinary astro...
신안식2021한국중세사연구This academic research presentation is an experiment to find out a priori how the disaster DB prepared by this research team can be utilized. A...
편용우2021일본학연구“祝/言(Celebration / Words)”, which premiered at the Aomori Museum of Art on October 11, 2013, is a play about the Great East Japan Earthquake. J...
이석현2020인문학연구China is a country with many disasters in its history, and it has had a rich record of disasters since the old period. It is difficult to find ...