이승은2022고전문학과 교육This paper examines the particular cases of digital humanities education in domestic and foreign universities and draws substantial implications …
최인호2022중국문화연구Since the 1980s, as the perception that tourism is also a kind of cultural phenomenon has spread, so-called “cultural tourism,” including “litera…
김세종2022中國學論叢The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the current status of Chinese Yi Jing related [Picture and Description] data produced in the Joseon Dyna…
도재학2021한중인문학연구본 논문에서는 언어 빅데이터를 활용하는 디지털인문학의 방법을 통해 19세기 말부터 20 세기 초까지 한국과 중국의 상호인식의 변천과 여기서 드러나는 국제관계의 변화를 규명한 다. 근대 한국과 중국의 관계와 교류 상황을 보여주는 객관적 자료는 당시 한국과 중국의 관 계가 꾸준히 지속되고 있었음을 시사한다. 먼저 한국근대잡지코퍼스에서 확인되는 ‘중국’, ‘지나’의 빈도, 공기관계 산출 결과로 한국의 중국…
이용범2020상허학보This thesis analysis travelogue “Jang gang man li(長江萬里)” of Choi Chang-gyu, who is the first graduate of department of Chinese language and liter…
이석현2020인문학연구China is a country with many disasters in its history, and it has had a rich record of disasters since the old period. It is difficult to find su…
원유미2019한국융합과학회지Pupose : This study is to examine the origin and development aspects of the play in the China and find the value of physical activities through t…
이문영2018슬라브학보Mongolia is the only country that conquered both Russia and China, and was been conquered by both of them. This peculiarity of Mongolian history …
배규성2018한국시베리아연구This paper will examine the positions, policies and alliances of the United States with respect to the territorial disputes among neighboring cou…