선석열2022한일관계사연구This study analyzed the genealogy relationship among Dangun(檀君) and Buru(夫婁) and Jumong(朱蒙) recorded in the Dangungi(檀君紀), Dangunbongi(檀君本紀), Sam…
이수열2022한일관계사연구Tanaka Takeo's new research on Waegu/Wako(Japanese pirates), which began in the 1980s, sparked international controversy over the ethnic composit…
송종호2022한일관계사연구The purpose of this paper is (i) to study the background and appearance of the surrender of Nakaon(羅可溫)’s Waegu (or Wakou or Japanese marauders ;…
김영2022한일관계사연구Ancient Korea has completed its own traditional culture through cultural exchanges with China. The Goryeo Dynasty was an era in which Chinese cul…
송연희2022인문사회 21A Study on the Cultural Diplomacy of Korean Wave andthe Improvement of Korea-Japan RelationYounhee Song Abstract: The purpose of this study is t…
조인희2022동양예술The purpose of this study is to examine the types and stylistic characteristics of the paintings of the late Joseon Dynasty and the Edo period in…
정성식2022溫知論叢The purpose of this study is to examine the historical consciousness of Byun Gye-ryang, who led life in the early Chosun Dynasty. The early Chosu…
신상필2022한국문학연구There is a new literary style that emerged in the late Joseon Dynasty by paying more attention to the narrative, based on the literary nature of …
정지언2022교양교육연구This study aimed to analyze the perception, needs, satisfaction, and course selection factors of general education from the students’point of vie…
김지현2022해양문화재The collection of archaeological discoveries presented in A Report on the Excavation of the Mado Underwater Archaeological Site, published by the…